Part 16

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the next day~

I wake up to no one beside me. Hmm she must be downstairs. I got up got dressed and went downstairs. Not in the living room,not in the kitchen,not in her room,hmm maybe she's in the guest room. I walked to the guest room and knocked.
As she said that I could hear she was crying. I walked in and saw her sitting on the ground. I ran to her and hugged her.
Cash:''are you okay?!''
Y/n:''chill babe I'm fine''
Cash:*pulls away and wipes her tears away*''if you're fine then why are you crying?''
Y/n:''o-oh I was just uh......''
Cash:''oh and I want the truth''
Y/n:''I-I was just uh you know um thinking''
Cash:''and what were you thinking about?''
Y/n:''u-uh some memories?''
Cash:''and what are those memories about?''
Cash:''speak up''
Y/n:''okay fine! My brother died exactly 4 years ago......''*lies*
Cash:*hugs her*I'm sorry....''
Y/n:*hugs back*It's okay,it's not your fault''
Cash:*gets up and picks her up bridal style*''let's get some breakfast shall we?''
We went downstairs and made breakfast,well she was making breakfast. While she was making it,I was looking at her. I walked up to her and blocked both her ways. She turned around and looked at me.
Cash:'' I love you"*whispers*
Y/n:"you do?"
Cash:"huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
Y/n:*laughs*"relax I'm just joking!"
Cash:"oh phew"
Y/n:*wraps arms around his neck*"I love you too"
Cash:*kisses her*
Y/n:*kisses back*

~y/n pov~

We were kissing when we heard the doorbell ring. We pulled away and looked at the door and back to each other.
Cash:"right when we we're having a moment"
Y/n:*laughs*"we'll finish that 'moment' when the person leaves, okay?"
Cash went to get the door while I was finishing breakfast. After a few seconds I hear Cash screaming.
Maverick:''well I don't think y/n would mind''
Y/n:''both of you stop! Do you not know how annoying that is?!''
Y/n:''you should be''
Maverick:''okay so y/n I need your help!''
Y/n:''with what?''
Y/n:"what's up with her?"
Maverick:"I kinda think I like her.....''
Y/n:''wait really?!''
Y/n:''she likes you too!''
Maverick:"wait are you serious?!''
Maverick:''do you think you can set us up?''
Y/n:''of course!''
Maverick:"omg thank you!''*hugs her*
Y/n:''no problem bro!''*hugs back*
Right when we were hugging, Annie walked in.
Annie:''hey guys!''
c+m+y:''hey Annie''
Annie:''So what's up?''
Y/n:''oh nothing much but I want to talk to you''
Annie:''are you going to kill me? Did I do something wrong? Please if I did please forgive me!''
Y/n:*laughs*''no relax you didn't do anything wrong,I just need to tell you something"
We walked to my room and closed the door. Right when I closed the door she attacked me.
Annie:''why were you hugging him?! You knew I liked him!''
Y/n:'''relax that's what I'm gonna explain!''
Annie:''then explain!''
Y/n:''okay so guess what!''
Y/n:''he likes you!''
Annie:''who likes me?''
Y/n:''omg this girl...Maverick likes you!''
Annie:''oh.....WAIT WHAT?!''
She started screaming like crazy when Cash and Maverick barged in.
Maverick:''what happened?!?''
Annie and I looked at each other and started laughing. The boys were really confused and looked at each other. When we calmed down we had to explain why. When we were done there was good silence between us until maverick broke it.
Mav:''hey um Annie?''
Mav:''can we talk?''
Annie:''sure what's up?''
Cash and I left the two lovebirds alone and went out of the room.
Cash:''can we finish that moment now?''
Y/n:*laughs*''no not until they leave''
Cash:''come on. Please?''
Cash:''pretty please?''
Y/n:''ugh fine''
Cash:''yay''*kisses her*
Y/n:'*kisses back*
Annie:''get a room''
Cash:*looks at her*
Y/n:''nope not again''
Y/n:''what were you thinking?''
Cash:''that maybe we could.....''
Y/n:''don't even think about finishing that sentence''
Annie:''okay guess what?''
A+M:''we're dating!''
Y/n:''wait seriously?''
Y/n:''that's good! Congratulations!''*hugs them*
A+M:''thanks!''*hugs back*
We hung out for a few hours until Annie had to go home.
Annie:''oh well that was fun but I really need to get home now. I guess I'll see you guys later?''
Y/n:''sure see you!''
Maverick:''wait I'm coming with you!''
Annie:''I don't really wanna bother you so.....''
Maverick:''don't worry I need to get home too''
Annie:''oh okay let's go''
Y+C:''Bye guys!''
Once they left I closed the door and went to the living room. Cash was sitting on the couch watching Netflix when I sat beside him. After a few episodes,it was already 9:30 pm and I started getting tired and thirsty. I told Cash that I was getting some water and went to the kitchen and got some water. After I was done drinking I threw the bottle away and looked at Cash. He was watching the episode peacefully and I didn't want to disturb him so I quietly went upstairs. I did my night time routine and went to bed. 

~cash pov~

Y/n was taking pretty long so I got up and went to the kitchen. I walked in and she wasn't there. That's weird the front door is closed and she only came to drink some water. Maybe she's in the bedroom? Let's see. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and opened the door. I could tell she got scared since she jumped a bit. She was laying on the bed, I think she was about to fall asleep. She looked at me with a tired face.  I walked to her and sat on the bed beside her.
Cash:''you tired?''
Cash:''then why didn't you tell me you were going to bed?''
Y/n:''you were watching the episode and I didn't want to disturb you so.....''
Cash:''you know what ''disturbing'' means to me?''
Cash:''you not talking to me''
Y/n:''aww I love you''
Cash:''love you too princess''*kisses her forehead*
Y/n:''I'm so tired can we go to bed now?''
Cash:''I'm gonna switch off the TV and come back okay?''
I went downstairs and switched off the TV. I went back upstairs. I walked in and walked to her. I got in bed and just as I lay down she cuddles up to me. After a few minutes she falls asleep and so do I.

Hey guys so I know how long it has been since I posted but I really need more ideas. So if you have any please let me know thank you. Also this has 1263 words

Love you guys💖💖

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