Thomas and Tyler

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Everyone knew the leader of the Steam Team on Sodor was Thomas the Tank Engine. He may not be big, but he does lead this team and is number 1.

Ironically, the leader of the Steam Team band is Tyler Mitchell, who is also Thomas's driver. Well, he's the leader of the boys in the band, but he was still considered a leader and also wears number 1.

Thomas and Tyler have a very strong friendship. They work very well together and get the job done well.

Tyler however is not very fond of Thomas's cheekiness and teasing of others. He's usually able to handle it, but sometimes he doesn't like that and has to intervene. Despite that though, Tyler adores Thomas very much and will always be there for him.

Today, Thomas was scheduled to work with Duck. Thomas was set to meet him at Crovan's Gate.

Thomas arrived there early and waited. He didn't sleep that much last night though and was very impatient.

" Why is he not here yet? " - Thomas

" He'll be here soon. " - Tyler

" Still, an engine should never be late for his job. " - Thomas

" Yeah. " - Tyler

He said it very sarcastically though.

Thomas groaned and waited 10 more minutes. Soon Duck did finally arrive, he came towards Crovan weirdly though. The main reason why he was late was because something happened to him where he moves more slowly, and more, waddily like.

Thomas noticed that and started giggling.

" Duck? What's wrong with you? You're moving like you actually are a duck. " - Thomas

The cheeky one giggled some more and Duck frowned.

" I accidentally hit a rock on the way here and it damaged my left back wheel and that's why i'm moving like this. " - Duck

" You should get that checked out then, or Montague will no longer be one of your names. " - Thomas

He laughed some more and Tyler wasn't fond of this.

" Thomas. Knock it off. " - Tyler

" What? It's just a joke. " - Thomas

" It's actually rude. " - Tyler

" No it's not. " - Thomas

" Yes it is. " - Duck

Thomas stopped laughing, if Duck says it's rude, then it is in fact rude.

" Sorry Duck. Anyways, let's get to the pier. " - Tyler

" Right. " - Duck

The two engines headed towards the pier. The two agreed to bring some boat supplies to the pier so that a new boating attraction could be built there.

As they were heading towards it, Thomas was forced to move slower due to Duck's slow speed.

" Can you be any slower? " - Thomas

" This is as fast as I can go. " - Duck

" Well this is how fast I can go. " - Thomas

He started picking up speed and leaving Duck behind.

" Wait. Where are you going? " - Duck

" Just going to the place we are supposed to go. " - Thomas

He giggled more and Tyler started to get annoyed.

" OK Thomas. You should stop, Duck is damaged and doesn't deserve to be teased. " - Tyler

" Why do you always assume I'm teasing someone? " - Thomas

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