Imagine 6: "Tomboy girl"🛹

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This was requested by the wonderful LeahLP_3245!! Go follow her and read her imagines! (She also does Bennoda imagines ☺️ Bennoda meaning Bennington and Shinoda I think) beside that hope you like it friend! P.S, that pic of Mike is WAY TO HOT!

*Leah's POV*

As my mother slowly turned into the high school parking lot I sighed rubbing my finger down the window.
Mom noticed that something was wrong so after she stopped she put her hand on my shoulder.
"You alright kiddo?" She asked. I sat upright and grabbed my backpack
"Yeah I guess"
"What's up?"
*Sighs* "Mom, what if people think I'm weird? I mean I'm not like the girls here" I admitted softly staring into the entrance where all the high school kids walked in.
See my mom and I just moved from my childhood home town to here in L.A,
She hugged me "But that's what makes you you! You don't want to be like the other girls, just be yourself and someone will accept you" she told me. I softly smiled and opened my door "Bye mom"
"Have a good day!"
She called while I walked through the parking lot.
I've been here for a week and this is my first day at high school, and honestly I'm nervous because I'm the type of girl who enjoys skateboarding and playing with the guys then fangirling over makeup.

When I got closer and closer to the entrance I saw a girl with blond hair talking to another girl.
*Inhales a breath* "Ok, what's the first step to making a friend? Introduction" I spoke in my head. Once I got closer and closer to the blond hair girl the other girl she was talking to walked off which meant this was my chance.
"Hi, I'm Leah" I said, hoping I wouldn't get rejected. She looked at me and instead of scoffing and walking off (like some kids have done to me in my past) she smiled and shook my hand
"Hey I'm Erin! Are you the new kid?" She asked sweetly re-adjusting her backpack strap
"Yeah I am"
"Cool! Want me to show you around?"
She offered. I giggled "ok that sounds good, this is my first day here"
"Well if you ever need help with anything just call my name!" Said Erin nudging me. *Smiles* so far so good, this Erin girl seems super nice, maybe she can be my bestie.

*Minutes later*

"Ok, so here's the library, nurses office is down the hall to the left, history class is this door and-
*Gasps* uh oh" exclaimed Erin as she stopped. Confused I looked at her to try and see what she stopped for,
All I saw was a group of four boys talking, one boy who was standing in the middle had black hair and *gasps*
Pierced ears?! I've never met a boy with pierced ears before...
"Who are they?" I asked wanting to know more about them. She tsked three times
"Trouble, come on let's go" she said taking my hand and walking past them. The boy in the middle however stared at me, which was kinda weird feeling. I think...

*Standing by a door*

"You know Erin since I'm new here I should know everything" I said, slyly trying to get her to tell me about that group of boys. She rolled her eyes
"They are a bad boy group, always late for class, smoking, breaking rules and such... there leader is named Mike Shinoda,
Although Mike is one hell raiser he is extremely hot!" She exclaimed throwing her hand over her heart. I 'hmmed' and spoke:
"Is Mike the black haired boy with earrings?"
*Clicks tongue* "Bingo"
"Interesting thing is he stared at me while we walked down the hall".
Erin gasped as if what I just said made her whole world
"Omg seriously!? Hell what I would give for him to glance at me" she said daydreaming. I giggled and opened the door to class
"Funny" I replied as we took our seats for our day to begin.

*End of the day*

As me and Erin walked outside she wanted me to ride on the bus with her but I told her I had to wait for my mom, so we exchanged numbers and went our own ways.
*While walking through the parking lot*
"Hey" I heard a voice say. I looked to see that black haired boy sitting on a concrete wall staring at me. *Stops, looks left and right to see if he's talking to me* "You talking to me?"
"No I'm talking to my Imaginary friend yes you!" He said sarcastically. Oh so he's gonna be like this? Well to can play that game😉
*Walking up to him while smacking my hands together* "What's up?" I asked. He rubbed his hand threw his hair and jumped down, holding a hot looking skateboard. "Nothing, just I've never seen you here" he said now holding his skateboard in front of him.
"Yeah I just moved here"
"Really? How interesting"
"Why am I special to you?"
"No" he answered as he set his skateboard down and now was skating around me making me giggle.
"So you skate?" He asked folding his arms, I scoffed
"Hell yeah, who doesn't right?" I replied back. He eyed me up and down "well then...
There's a skate park a ways down the road, wanna hit it up with me?"
"Totally, *punches him in his shoulder* let's do this" I said walking off without him.

*When there*
*Mike's POV*

Once me and the new girl we're here I decided to show off my stuff first. I've been know to be pretty hot doing my tricks😉
"Hey, watch and learn babe" I said
"Ooh show me master of all" she replied doing a fake bow. *Scoffs* she's got some bite, I like that.
After about skating for five minutes I stopped and threw her my board
"You're turn kitten" I said. She scoffed and jumped on top of the skateboard "yeah, watch me beat you" she said skating off. I sat down and watched her, damn...
She was good, real good. Half the girls I knew couldn't even stand on a board when she however was doing sweet moves.
*Skates up to me as I clap* "Pretty slick new girl"
"My name is Leah" she said sitting next to me. I softly smiled "I'm Mike" I introduced myself. But moment's later I stood up and started to walk off but
*Turns around to see her again*
"Since your new here maybe one day I'll give you a tour around town" I offered, she giggled
"Yeah that's sounds fun" she replied softly. I winked at her and walked off...

Thxs for reading!!!!!! If you don't like it I'll re write it!

Also too this is a sexy as all hell photo I found of Mike😍😍

😍 If he looked at me like that in public I'd be like "I'm yours!!!"😂😂

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😍 If he looked at me like that in public I'd be like "I'm yours!!!"😂😂

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