Imagine 24: "Your not mine"😢

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Requested by LeahLP_3245, enjoy!.

*Leah's POV*

"Come on sis let's go! It's almost time for prom!" My older brother Chester called from downstairs.
I was still in my room getting ready,
"Alright Chaz!" I yelled back putting on my last earring, once I was done I looked in the mirror at my dress:

I think it looks nice☺️, only thing I wish is that I'm going to the prom with my crush Mike Shinoda, instead he's going to the prom with the fake, rude, totally using him Anna

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I think it looks nice☺️, only thing I wish is that I'm going to the prom with my crush Mike Shinoda, instead he's going to the prom with the fake, rude, totally using him Anna...
Like you can totally tell she doesn't love him and that she's cheating on him, god how could he NOT see it?! My brother, his girlfriend, and my best friend Ash can see it in plain sight but he however can't...
And he's the one whose with her everyday.
It's really sad I've been there for Mike since we first met and I've always cared about him but he still went for the school bully (who hides behind her fake smile).
God all I want is to say Mike is mine but I can't...

After I finished putting my makeup on  and was ready to go I walked downstairs to see my brother, looking handsome in his tux.
*Smiles at me* "Leah you look beautiful" he said as I slipped my hand under his arm, I softly smiled at him and thanked him quietly.
Since Mike couldn't be my prom date and no one else mattered to me my brother asked me if he could take me and to me my brother and Mike are the two most special men in my life, so I took him up and here we are on our way to the highschool prom.

*When there*

As me and Chaz walked inside we were greeted by my bestie Ash and Chesters girlfriend Talinda.
*Smiles and hugs me* "Leah! I'm so glad your here!" Ash said holding my hands and smiling at me, she said that because I was having doubts of going to prom or not.
I smiled and Chester kissed his girlfriend
"Thanks Ash, say uh *looks around* is Mike here?" I asked, she bit her bottom lip and looked down at her feet
"Yeah, with Anna" she mumbled now softly twirling her foot. I groaned quietly now seeing Mike and Anna (who had a false look on her face) walking to the dancefloor. Chester noticed I was staring at them so he touched my arm "it's ok sis" he whispered compassionately. I smiled a little and then I heard my English teacher speak.
"Ok, now may we have a Ms. Leah to come on up and sing?" He said now a spotlight shining on me. Everybody started to clap (accept Anna) as I blushed and walked up on the stage to sing the Beyonce song Sweet Dreams.
*Clears throat* "Hi, I'm Leah and tonight I'll be singing Sweet Dreams by Beyonce"
Suddenly I heard my brother yell and do the rock sign
"YEAH LEAH!! YOU ROCK GIRL" he said jumping up and down. I giggled watching him, Talinda gently smacked his chest and Ash laughed.
I cleared my throat again and as the song began to play I began to sing.

From up here I had a good view at everyone dancing, even the view of Mike and Anna...
As I was singing I could see a vision of me and Mike dancing, he's smiling at me and spinning me softly and I was enjoying every second...
*Sighs* good Lord 😭.
When I finished singing I saw Mike and Anna kiss,
Ok that was it. I stormed down the stage to the entrance leaving everyone staring at me.

I literally ran down the school hall till I was outside in the pouring down rain. Standing alone in the cold rain I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't for two reasons
1: people would notice and
2: I'm too angry.
"Leah?" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see Mike just inches away from me,
I turned again to not look at him
"Lee why are you acting weird?"
"Why am I acting weird? Why am I acting weird?! Oh I don't know perhaps it's because I'm watching the man I love spend his days with that awful girl who is totally cheating on him!!" I yelled, I couldn't hold it in anymore, the anger was to strong.
Mike's eyes went wide
"Your lying" he said. I gasped
"I'm lying? I'm lying?! Are you freaking serious!! How is it you can't even SEE that she's cheating on you!"
I yelled back, we both argued for a few minutes till
"You know what? I think it's best that were not friend's"
"Fine by me!" I yelled back, but watching him run away from me I realized what I said I couldn't take back.
"Mike I'm sorry I didn't mean it! Please! *Starts to cry* come back" I said through my tears. I slammed myself down on the dirty ground, staining my beautiful dress and my salty tears drying my lips.
I saw Chester, Talinda, and Ash running up to me
"Lee? Lee what happened?" Chester asked kneeling next to me, through my cries I was able to speak about what happened. Talinda put her hands over her mouth, Chester hugged me and so did Ash.
"It's gonna be ok sis, it's gonna be ok" he whispered but I knew it wasn't, Mike was gone and there was no way for me to take him back...

*Two weeks later*

Sighing sadly and kicking the pebbles on the sidewalk I walked in the rain...
It's been two weeks since our fight, me and Mike haven't spoken let alone looked at each other that whole time.
Everyday I wish I could take back what I said (about me agreeing with him about us not being our friends).
I walked in the rain for about ten minutes till I found some cover to go under,
But as I got closer to it I saw Mike! And he was crying?
I quickly walked up to him and he saw me.
"Mike are you ok?" I asked sitting next to him. He wiped his face with his sweatshirt sleeve
"You were right Leah, Anna was cheating on me... *Starts to cry again* Leah I'm so sorry for not believing you" he cried now leaning on me. God it hurt seeing my love cry, all I wanted was to take him in my arms and take a his pain away.
"It's ok Mike"
"No it's not, look I'm just gonna be dead honest I love you too, I've loved you for so long now" he spoke. My eyes went wide as I continued to listen:
"I only started to date Anna because I wanted to get you off my mind, I felt like you deserved someone better" he finished.
"Michael Kenji Shinoda you are the only one I want! I love you so much! Don't ever say that I deserve someone better because I already have someone better, you!" I admitted. Suddenly we then kissed, our first kiss!!.
But when we pulled away he gently lifted up my hoodie to see my scars, he looked at me and then started to gently kiss every single scar till our lips met again.
*Smiles* we both were in pain, who knew us coming together would take it all away?

Thxs for reading!

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