Chapter Four

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Micheal paused- "Jeremy get u p-"
"Oh wow-"
She already got a nearby candle and splashed the hot wax onto jeremy-
He's clapPING-
"Christine your a GENUIS."
Jeremy lifted his head up from the Ouiji Board. And layed on his back again.
"Hey christine, Are you able to leave the Ouiji Board..?" He looked to Her. "Mm.. Not really.."
"Aww.. Well..I'm stuck in a house.. So.."
"Don't worry- we'll be stuck together!"
She smiled.
"To be honest, your the first normal looking ghost I've seen...Jeremy Tends to attract a lot, Hes pretty popular in the ghost realm."
"Oh.. really? Thanks! I've never- I've never actually gotten to see other ghosts..Nor did I know there was a ghost realm."
"Uhuh! Oh man.. I wish he could bring you around.."
Christine Hung her head down.  Jeremy was peeling off dried wax from his body.
He sniffled.
Micheal sighed, "I wish ghosts could get high. I'd get high all the time- but yeah.. I mean, Unless.. OH- maybe he could like, bring some of the house WITH him! That way I could be around too! Maybe-"
"But what's your object? It could be the place you died. Or something that meant a lot too you.."
Christine looked back to him. Micheal just floated there, Thinking.
"I-I don't know..How do I find out..?"
"Okay- Try to leave the house to see where it pulls you back!"
"Mmm.. Okay.."
Micheal looked to the front door, Before flying over their- Casually phasing through the door. He tried to past the street but was FORCED up to his room-
"AhHHH- it's in my roOm-"
"Jeremy- Take me up to micheals room!" Christine said- But Jeremy was snoring.
"I can take you! I'm able to move stuff,"
Micheal flew back down and picked up the Ouiji Board.
"Oh- it took me awhile to learn that!"
"I've been dead for.. four years.. I kinda just picked up on it."
He set the Ouiji Board down on his Nightstand.
"Now what do I do?"
Christine Just looked around.
"Figure it out!"
Micheal huffed
"I don't know how! I'm too scared to touch anything cause would if I curse something? Or like- Put some crazy spell on it?"
He sighed. Christine Just Giggled.
"I'm a dumb ghost. How is that funny?"
He was floating all above his stuff- He was lying, He was scared to touch his items and curse them. He didn't know the lawS of ghosts, Or what he could do.
"Cmon, It shouldn't be that hard!"
"I don't know! Uh.." He hesitantly Started looking through his stuff.
"Wait! I found a thing-"
Christine Paused. "What Did you find??"
Micheal froze up for a second.. he was scared.
He tried picking it up, but his hand phased through. "I-it has blood on it- a-and I- c-can't pick it u-up.."
"...That must be YOUR blood!"
Christine shouted-
"How come I can't pick it up..?"
His voice was a bit Quiet. This was scary for him.
"If I was stabbed- Then- who did it?"
"Would if.. You killed yourself?"
"Wouldn't I remember something like that..?"
He turned to christine.  "I didn't remember how I died" "...Then How'd you find out? You explained how you died so clearly!"
"Jeremy- Hes basically a Ghost therapist-Detective all in one- Definitely recommended." Christine nodded to herself.
Micheals just floating there. "Pfsh, And he's cute too. So that's a Plus."
"OOoOOo- Do you have a CRUSH on Jeremy?"
"WhaT? NOoO-"
He waved his hands around- Brushing her oFf-
"Sorry Bud- Hes taken."
"I- What..?"
He seemed Genuinely sad. HE diD haVe a cruSh-
"I'm joking, Micheal."
He froze. Blushing a bit now- he covered his face.
"I fell for that!"
"Hehe- So gullible." Insert Micheal just Squealing, Like the flustered Bean he is.
"Buuuut there is some competition."
"Who? I'll poSseS thEm- mwahaHahHa- I'm joking, I dunno how to do that. Ahah.."
"ChlOe freakInG clEmEntiNe! Not to mention BroOke- who Hes dates before but Totally broke her heart. She stills likes him, too. And he's completely Oblivious."
Insert distant cackling in the distance from Jeremy-
"I-...How did he break her heart?" Micheals just floating there, Listening.
"He rejected her."
"I- But if they were already dating..."
"Well they were "dating" but it was never really official. But everyone in the school thought they were, So.. high schools confusing."
Micheal snickered a bit.
"I never went there, So- Mm.. if I did commit suicide.. why? My life was fine! I think.."
"That's just a theory of Mine! But- JeREMy caN yOJ COme HeRe!"
She's screaming again.
"AAAA- O W-"
"Hold on Christine! Ms.Cry is here, I gotta help her out!" Jeremy called from downstairs.
"OOOOKKKKAAAAYYYYY! He's helping another ghost! See? I told you he's a ghost magnet."
"Who's.. Ms.Cry..?"
"A woman who was Murdered by her children-"
"...That's horrible...."
"Yeah, She likes to remind them that she still loves them though. Jeremy lets her possess him so she can write a letter to them in her exact hand writing. I can just imagine the kids reactions- Teehee!"
"Pff- yeS!" Micheal and christine started giggling- before jeremy finally walked in.
"I'm here- Sorry it took awhile." "No! It's okay! Take your timeee.." Micheal Still be floating. Invisible to jeremy.
"We found micheals Thingy that he's connected too! A knoife."
"What does it mean though..? I-I can't pick it up either."
"A Knife?" That was the first time jeremy actually seemed Alarmed.

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