The start (01)

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Arthurs note:

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I'm going straight to the point, because I don't want to waste time :) I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Talia's pov:

I was packing for the 2018 World Cup. Reiss, my brother invited me to go with him to the World Cup. I was beyond happy, I mean how could I not? ITS THE MOTHERFUCKING World Cup!!!!!!!


"Eyy Talia can you bring some drinks for me and Jadon" Reiss screamed from the living room. "Yeah yeah" I said and brought them some lemonade.

"Thank you" Jadon said while giving me a wink. Obviously Reiss didn't see that wink, because he would kill Jadon if he knew something was going on between us.

I wouldn't nesaserily call me and Jadon a "thing", because we would just share a couple of kisses here and there. But not going to lie I wanted something with Jadon, but he says he can't do that to Reiss, since I'm his baby sister.

"I'm going to the toilet, I will be right back" Reiss said as he walked away.

"Finally he is gone" Jadon said as he reach for a kiss, but I pulled away.

"I told you Jadon, I don't want to do this anymore" I said.

"What do yo mean Tee?" He asked.

"I'm tired of the kissing and playing around. I told you I want commitment, but clearly you don't want that. So we have to stop this, I'm done wasting time" I said.

"But Tee, you know I want you too, but I can't. Reiss is my best friend, I can't do this to him" Jadon said.

"But you can go around and kiss his baby sister when you feel like it, behind his back? Stop lying to yourself, you don't care about Reiss's opinion, because if you did, you wouldn't kiss his sister from the beginning. Just say you don't want me, I'm tired of your lies" I said.

"Bu-but I want you" Jadon stuttered.

"Then show me you want me. Tell Reiss about us!" I said

"I ca-can't" he said while looking down at the floor.

"That's what I thought... bye Jadon. Whatever we had or didn't have, is over..... im done" I said and ran to my room.

For fuck sake. How could I feel hurt by someone who never even was my boyfriend? Ugh!!

Anyways to give you all a back story, me and Jadon have been flirting and playing around for months. I always fantasized Jadon, I mean how could I not? But I never thought he saw me more that Reiss's baby sister. That was until Reiss's birthday party.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting on the balcony and watching the stars all alone, until Jadon came out for some fresh air.

*8 moths back*

"What's up Talia" Jadon said.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to escape the party" I laughed. "What about you?" I asked back.

"Nothing really, it's just way too hot inside, I couldn't stay there anymore" Jadon said and took off his shirt.

Wow, how is it possible to look that good. His abs!!!!

"No need to stare, I'm not going anywhere" he laughed.


"I'm sorry" I said, not knowing what to do.

"Hahahha no need to apologize" he laughed even harder which made me blush. "You are really cute, you know that?" Jadon said.

Love is pain (Jadon Sancho)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora