Rupture part 2 - Kai

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Requested by mariapham9090


Kai swam in and out of consciousness. The warped, smiling faces of all of his teammates greeted him. Well, all but one - Lloyd. Kai would smile as he looked around at the different faces. But always his countenance would fall when he noticed Lloyd's absence.

Where are you, Lloyd? He thought. Eventually, the drugs would pull him back under and he'd be left to ponder only in a dream-like state of semi-consciousness.

Nya came in for a visit one day at the hospital and found a conscious Kai propped up on his pillow.

"How are you doing?" She asked and sat at his feet.

"Fine, not great, but not in a lot of pain. I could probably go home now." Kai said, flashing his brilliant white teeth at her.

Nya scoffed, "Not even close, dumb dumb. You flatlined. The doctors still want to monitor you a little more."

Kai said nothing for a minute but finally, that questioned he'd had for a few days came to his tongue.

"Where's Lloyd?"

"We're not sure. He went MIA." Nya admitted and bit her lip. "Don't stress about it. We'll find him." She laid her hand on sheet covered leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Kai nodded, but inside, made plans to escape the hospital-prison.

They chatted for a moment but Nya's mind was elsewhere. Kai noticed her wandering state and pressed her with another question.

"You're worried about him, aren't you?"

Nya nodded honestly.

"I better go, we just got a mission." She mumbled and hugged Kai quickly. Then she was gone and Kai was free to be alone. The pain of Lloyd's absence weighing heavy on his heart.

He's made up his mind. In one swift movement, he threw off his sheet and jumped out of bed. Cole had brought him some clothes a few days ago to put on when the hospital discharged him so he quickly threw them on. It wasn't much. Just a red hoodie and some black sweats, a pair of old sneakers added to complete his "comfortable" outfit.

I feel fine. Kai thought. This should be easy. Don't worry, Lloyd, I'm coming to find you.

He shifted his mind into the ninja headspace and snuck out of his room. Left, right, he checked for the hospital staff. Clear. He moved on towards the front door.

A doctor turned the corner and came toward Kai. Kai turned around and pulled the drawstrings on his hoodie taut, hiding his face, he pulled out his phone and pretended to be highly interested in something on the screen. When the doctor passed him, uninterested, Kai continued toward the door.

A nurse came from the elevator and Kai had to jump down behind some chairs. His abdomen slammed into the floor and sent a painful shock through his entire body.

No, I'm okay, I'm okay. Find Lloyd.

Kai jumped up and dashed out of the door. Luckily, no one noticed or cared. He breathed in the fresh air and set to work. His brain speeding off, wondering where Lloyd could be.

Kai pulled out his phone and tried to send a text to Lloyd. Though, he already had the feeling it wouldn't do any good. He ruled out checking Lloyd's tracking device, already assuming the others had tried that.

His lower stomach stabbed painfully. Kai groaned and clutched it tightly. The pain was similar to the pain he'd experienced when his appendix had ruptured, except, a little mellower. A dull aching shadow of what the previous pain had been. But he didn't feel safe.

I have to find Lloyd. I'm fine. He grabbed his stomach again as it gave another painful lurch. I'm fine. Kai told himself. He forced his body straight and decided to go to the arcade. It was as good a place as any. Kai doubted that Lloyd was in any danger. He was just acting like a jerk.

An uncomfortable uber driver and a few minutes later, Kai arrived at Lloyd's favorite arcade.

Everywhere, young people were stuck to their screens. Occasionally a kid would holler with joy. It made Kai flinch every time. The shrill sound vibrating around in his skull. Every time he flinched the excruciating pain would fire up his body again. Each time more painful then the last.

I can do this. Kai looked around and saw the top of a boy's blonde head. Lloyd?

He made his way toward the boy. Just past a few more arcade machines and annoying children, the boy's back was turned to him. But he was wearing green. Nearby, a teenage boy had finished his game successfully and jumped for joy, swinging his arms wildly in celebration. The boy's fist plunged into Kai's gut causing him to fall backward. He let out a shocking scream of pain.

The blonde boy turned around in response to the familiar scream. He ran over to Kai and grabbed him by the shoulders and cradle them.

Kai had cringed, closing his eyes and grabbing his stomach as he squirmed in pain.

"Kai!" Lloyd said, concerned. "What happened?"

Kai couldn't answer.

Lloyd pulled out his phone and called the rest of the gang.

When Kai opened his eyes again, he was back in his hospital-prison. Only this time, when he looked around for his teammates, he saw them all. Lloyd included. He smiled.

"Lloyd..." He started in a state of semi-consciousness, "Why didn't you come the first time?"

Lloyd shook his head. "Sorry, Kai. I'm so so sorry. I should have been there." Lloyd's eyes filled with tears but hadn't yet managed to spill out.

"It's...It's okay." Kai replied.

Lloyd shook his head again. "No. It's not okay."

"Whatever...I forgive you." Kai closed his eyes and was pulled back under. But now he had nothing to worry about. He'd found Lloyd. Everything was going to be okay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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