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Karsyn Sekai Miller

"Feel like I wanna cry, it's okay. If I forget to smile, its okay. And if I need some time for peace of mind, its okay." - Kiana Ledé

Ms. Miller,
We regret to inform you that we were unable to approve your rental application. Below is a formal copy of the denial letter. If you have any questions, please call 888-678-1234.

Rolling my eyes, I deleted the email. Of course, rejection hurt because it an apartment that I really wanted but this wasn't the end; I'd just have to find another option. I continued to search through my email looking for an email from Kristian's lawyer. There wasn't one so I switched over to the ConnectNetwork app hoping that there was a message from my brother that I'd missed on accident but there wasn't. I let out a frustrated sigh. It had been exactly two weeks since I'd found out about them trying to add onto Kristian's current charges. That same day, I was expecting a call from him but it never came which wasn't normal. Days went by and there was still no call or message from him. I took the initiative to pay the past due and current lawyer fees but I was definitely starting to become concerned. According to his lawyer and the front desk lady at the Prison, they were on lockdown and she couldn't give any details on any of the inmates.

Maybe if I go up there, they'll feel forced to give me some information.

"Nah, this school shit ain't it." I heard a male voice from behind me. Instead of turning around, I began to look for another apartment but that didn't stop me from listening to his conversation.

Mind your business Karsyn. I told myself.

"It's just not for me, he moving too fast and I ain't slow but damn." I listened as he complained.

I definitely understood where he was coming from, we'd only been having class for about two weeks and the teacher was moving at a very fast pace.

"Ask who for help? DJ in the same fucking boat as me. My bad Ma, I ain't mean to cuss at you but you know that teachers really don't be trying to help."

"I am tryna do better for myself, the shit is just hard." He paused. "I hear you... I love you too."

It got silent, letting me know that he was off of the phone.

"Yo' Karsyn, right?"

I turned in my seat. It was Ryder. "Yeah?"

"You understand the shit that he be talking about?"

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I nodded slowly. "I mean, yeah I guess. He moves kind of fast so I just re-read the chapters at home and kind of do the assignments as I go."

He ran his hand down his face and let out a frustrated sigh. "This shit ain't for me dawg."

"I feel you." I responded as the teacher and a few other students began to pile in the room.

Mr. Robinson moved swiftly around the classroom setting up his computer. "Today will be very short. I'll be assigning groups for our new project. I'll explain the instructions and answer any questions. And after that, I'll give you all this extra class time to talk to your partners and begin working. This will also be something that we will work on throughout the whole semester and it will be presented on the last week of class. It is also 30 percent of your final grade."

"Group A will be Karsyn, DJ, Ryder and Leah."

I twisted my lips to the side. It wasn't that I had a problem with any of the people in my group. I wasn't fond of group activities AT ALL. I preferred to work alone. That way I knew the work would get done.

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