Endless Summer - Hinata Shoyou

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The summer holidays had started two weeks ago in japan and luckily, you were spending it there. Your family had taken you and your brother to japan for a holiday to celebrate your mother's birthday in her home country. From past experiences, you had noticed that foreigners stand out a lot. Although you were half Japanese yourself, your family still did stand out in a crowd.

Water currently tickling your knees as you were dangling your legs off the edge of the pool. The pool was connected to a resort, however you were very lucky to have it so close to the beach as they're very expensive. Sounds of the tide going up and down was heard from not that far away. A gorgeous white sand beach was only two minutes away by walk, so why weren't you there? Easy answer: unlucky for you, it was that time of the month. You also had to find a way to tolerate the heat, so the pool was the only option. So, you were currently in some shorts and a bikini until you could actually swim and get the most out of the coast.

You stretched your arms behind you to lean your upper body on the pool floor. Closing your eyes, you just relaxed for a while until you heard someone shout from across the pool. In (h/country), your mum mostly spoke in that language. Saying that, you still could understand Japanese quite well.

There was a raven-haired boy who had just come out of the pool, soaking wet and was shouting at a smaller ginger haired boy who couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Hinata, boke!!" The dark-haired boy screamed. "Why would you do that you idiot?!" His fists were scrunched up into balls and he was towering over the smaller ball. 'He must have done something bad to make him angry' you thought to yourself.

"Sorry, Kageyama! I couldn't help it, it was the perfect timing!" He slapped a hand to his mouth, stifling a laugh.

From what you could tell, the black-haired boy who was apparently Kageyama, was walking past the pool and the other, Hinata pushed him in. Apparently, that was something you shouldn't do.

Kageyama shouted a few more words at Hinata before leaving with some other larger looking boys, whilst picking up a volleyball from the side of the pool. It seemed that they were heading to play volleyball at the beach, leaving Hinata by himself at the pool.

Hinata then, like you, sighed and sat at the edge of the pool, dangling his legs in. His eyes wondered along the pool until they met yours. He blushed terribly and looked away shyly. You instantly laughed and stood up to walk over to him. Slouching, you sat down still giggling and he suddenly turned to you , shocked that you moved so quickly.

"Hey, are you okay? That boy was really shouting." You asked, half-laughing half-serious.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks. It's pretty normal for me so I don't mind. Also, it was worth it." He grinned cheekily.

"Is your name Hinata? I heard from the boy, Kageyama?" He smiled at you.

"Yeah, my name is Hinata Shoyou. I'm glad you didn't mistaken it for 'Boke!' haha. What's your name? You look foreign, if you know what I mean." He asked wearily.

"It's fine, yeah I'm half Japanese, half (ethnicity). My name is (l/n) (y/n).Where did you friends go Hinata-kun ?"

"Half! That's so cool! I know a half Russian-Japanese boy in Tokyo but he's the only half I know, woah. You can call me Shoyou. They went to the beach to play volleyball, without me." He narrowed his eyes.

"Oh why didn't you join them?" Asking curiously.

"I have enough stamina to but I wanted to chill a bit because it's really warm" he responded, sighing. "We can join though, do you want to?" His expression totally changed, he exclaimed.

"Ugh, yeah I guess so." You smiled at how excited he became at the topic of volleyball. Volleyball was a game you didn't much about but you guessed you could learn it pretty easily. Plus, you weren't going int the ocean. What could go wrong?

Once you arrived at the beach, you were introduced to a few of the members. You were introduced to the already-known dark-haired Kageyama-san. Also there was: a kind looking,grey-haired Sugawara-san, responsible looking, brown haired Sawamura-san, scary looking, European looking Asahi-san, hotheaded, skinhead, Tanaka-san, even smaller than Hinata, energetic looking, Nishinoya-san, cold looking, giant Tsukishima-san and finally a enthusiastic looking, green-haired Yamaguchi-san.

Since there was the right amount of people, you decided to do a five on five. You being on a team with noshinoya, asahi, kageyama and tanaka . Sawamura-san and Sugawara-san told you the basic rules before you started, making it look easy.

The game started with Kageyama's powerful jump serve. It was easily received by Daichi (Sawamura told you to call him that), leading to a quick attack from Sugawara and tsukishima. Nishinoya then received it for kageyama to slowly toss to you. You jumped, guessing at the timing which you failed at. Your hand missed and the ball thudded on the sand.

With disappointment plastered to your face, you turned around, about to say sorry when you heard
"Don't worry! It's fine! It's your first time, your going to make mistakes" Tanaka reassured.

"Thank you! Okay!" You beamed. 'Wow, he really has a way of words.' You played for another twenty minutes and decided to play once more. Cicadas were whining, crying. The sun was glaring in your direction, making it seem like it was hotter than it already was. Not to mention it was the hottest part of the day; one o'clock. Sweat trickled down the side of your face as you saw daichi receive a powerful spike. Watching the team play, you had learnt a few things in the past twenty minutes. A synchronised attack happened on the opposing side however tanaka managed to pick it up. It was sent to kageyama who sent a quick toss to you.

You looked up to see where it went and jumped. But instead, the sun caught your eyes and you were blinded. The ball was driven into your face, making you fall to the ground, leaving a massive red mark into your face.

"(Y/n)?? (Y/n), are you okay?" Hinata asked, concerned.
"It doesn't look like she can really answer, can she?" There was Tsukishima's snarky comment.
Everyone looked up at him, some confused and some not impressed with what he said.
"Isn't it obvious? She's fainted."

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

It was a blur. Then the images just meshed together. Then the objects were just moving. The faint noise of splashing was heard along side some quite chattering. You felt a soft material underneath yourself, but you could tell you were on some sort of platform as it was very comfy. We're you on some sort of bed? Slowly opening your eyes, you looked to see where you were. You were met with Hinata's fiery eyes, staring right down at you.

"You fainted." He stated, monotonously.
Your eyes scanned the area lazily. You were at the edge of another outdoor pool, it was a lot quieter here and there wasn't as many children here. You were laying down on a sun bed, someone must have brought you here as you don't remember coming here yourself. Hinata was sat on a chair right beside you.

"You suddenly went down with a don! And you were smashed by a ball in the face.
We figured you were too hot from the sun and kageyama's tosses are super strong." He said half laughing. "Did you drink much before playing?" He asked, looking very serious. Hinata didn't seem like the sort of person who was very serious, so it was seemed very weird.

"No, I didn't really drink anything. I'm sorry, this is so irresponsible of me. I'll make sure I'm cool enough next time." Turning away, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"It's fine, it's fine. Asahi is the one who brought you here anyway and you seem to be doing fine." He smiled, he really didn't seem to care.

You sat up and moved closer to Hinata. At first, he had no idea what you were doing and freaked out a little bit. He stiffened and his arms were sort of stuck beside him. However, when he realised you you engulfed him into a friendly hug he hugged you back. He may be a bit overexcited sometimes or even dense, however he's a caring, loyal friend and that's what matters.

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