Travel Buddy - Tendou Satori

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Sighing, you stepped onto the stairs that led up to the plane. You had paid for a cheap flight to a coastal part of Spain for the mid-term break, escaping from school, work and basically everything that stressed you out. The wind tugged on your hair roughly as you slouched against the railing. One by one, each passenger climbed onboard while you lazily dragged yourself to the top, reaching the entrance. It had been a manic week at work as you just started a new job and the new boss ordering you around constantly. You were definitely ready for this trip.
You quickly fished it your boarding pass so that you'd be allowed on. Showing the air hostess, she let you through before whispering "Do you know him? He's been staring at you for like five minutes"she asked, 'she must have been watching from the stairs' you thought, pointing her head in the direction behind you. You discreetly turn your head around to find a towering redhead staring you right in the eye. Large bags hung underneath his similarly large eyes, contrasting greatly with his pale skin, making the stare all the more creepier. 'Was he tired like me as well? Or is that how he normally looks?' Wide-eyed, you turned back around and mouthed no, disappearing to search for you seat.
Seen as though you had just turned 16, you were allowed to sit beside the plane's escape doors, giving you access to more leg space. You happily locked away you hand luggage in the overhead lockers and exhaustedly threw yourself on the window seat. Closing your eyes, you placed some headphones over your ears that was slung around your neck previously, humming at the soothing melody.
Just as you were settling down, you felt a heavy thump of someone collapsing next to you. Opening one eye, you glanced over to the person next to you. To your horror it was the same strange redhead from earlier, unpacking some of his hand luggage. You know, the one that couldn't take his eyes off of you. 'No! What were the chances that he'd be on my row?! Never mind next to me!' Apparently you had been gaping for too long as he noticed quickly, shooting his head in your direction. Making it obvious, you swiftly turned to the window to not make eye contact. Unfortunately, he head seen you staring at him and relaxed, leaning back in his seat. 'Hello' came a cheery voice. You craned your neck to find the same piercing, red eyes looking right into your (e/c) ones. He smiled widely, seeming genuinely content to be next to you.
'Are you heading to (place in Spain) as well?' He questioned.
'Yes, I am actually. Are you?' Averting your eyes and keeping the conversation to the minimum.
'Wow! Me too! What a coincidence?!' He exclaimed. You couldn't help laughing at what he said as it seemed pretty obvious to you as you were on the same aeroplane. And that's how the conversation started. Through talking to him, you realised he is a very excitable, playful person who likes to sing and dance for fun, not to mention friendly as well. You regretted your first impression of him as he was actually a pretty cool guy. You cursed at yourself for judging him on his abstract appearance. Halfway through the conversation, you realised you didn't even get to know his name.
"Oh, by the way, what is your name?"
"My name's Tendou Satori but you can just call me Satori if you want. What's yours?" He asked back.
"(L/name) (F/name)"you smiled at him. He smiled back and held his gaze onto yours for a bit before saying
"I heard your conversation with the air hostess. I didn't mean to stare at you weirdly earlier, I just couldn't help it. You don't look like anyone I've met before. You seem pretty different." He confessed.
Totally dumbfounded, you replied "Woah. I don't really know what to say to that, thank you I guess. Your different compared to a lot of people I've met before too, in a good way." You replied.
"Do you mind if I can have you phone number, so we can keep in touch?" Tendou asked politely.
"Yes. Of course, you can be my travel buddy ."
Okayyy, I'm cringing. You might ask why I'm not changing them. It's because they're old but I can learn from them and I'm waiting to think of other stories. I don't know why im saying this but.

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