Annoying Classmate - Kuroo Tetsuro

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"Hey (l/name), I have a feeling you really like me" he said with a smug smirk. You rolled your eyes at his pathetic suggestion but couldn't help letting out a laugh.
"And why would you think that, kuroo?"teasing back at him.
"Because whenever we work together on projects, you can't stop smiling"
In science class, 1-3, you were paired to do a science project. You were often paired as you sat near each other and worked well together. You found it quite enjoyable working with kuroo as he concentrated whilst making the work fun at the same time.
"That's only because of your terrible pickup lines you say every now and then haha!" You howled.
"You still love me" he grinned.
"Get over yourself" You huffed.
You were glad that you were working with someone who knew what they were doing, to be honest. You were good at science, you can't deny that, however this topic was terribly hard. You were pleased that you were working with kuroo. Every now and then he'd gaze at you for a while before snapping out of it and returning back to reality. You wondered if he was thinking about something, however didn't end up asking. Finishing class, you walked out with kuroo, him telling you what to bring for the next time you had science.
"What do you have now?" He asked.
"I have music in the practice room" You responded with a look of shock on your face. You weren't used to kuroo being serious or interested with what club you had. You had just known him for joking around most of the time, unless it was something he really cared for.
"Well, I have to go to volleyball now so, I'll see you later" he waved goodbye.
"Yeah, see you" you trailed off.
Most of the time you spent in the practice room was just composing, and trying to find sounds that were in key with another. Your main instrument was the piano, although you could play some others too. You carried on playing for another 30 minutes until noticing you were the only one still in the music department. Grabbing your bag, you left the room, into the following corridor. It took you by surprise that the sky had almost turned pitch black, remnants of amber still clinging onto the navy blanket.
Quickening your pace, you left the building until you heard a voice shout your name.
"(L/name)!!!" Undeniablely, it had to be kuroo shouting your name.
"Yeah?" You stopped half way in the courtyard while he jogged up to you in his bright, red Nekoma tracksuit and gym bag.
"You know what Tokyo is like at night, so I thought I'd walk you home" he managed to get out. He definitely wasn't exhausted from that jog, so his practise must have been draining him.
"Thank you" you blushed at the thought of him being thoughtful. The rest of the way, you both talked about the project until he led you to your home.
"We're here" You turned around and bowed greatly.
"Thank you so much for walking me home" you looked back up and smiled. You were about to walk inside when he called out.
"Wait! Ugh, none of my parents are home and would it be okay if I stay at yours until you have dinner?" He asked shyly, scratching the back of his head.
"Yeah, that's fine. My parents aren't actually home either, just my younger brother." You let him inside and shut the door tight whilst he exhaustedly fell onto the gehnkan ( Japanese raised floor ).
"Wow you seem really tired, was the practise hard today?" You half laughed.
"Yeah, we did a lot of matches nonstop, we have the inter high tournament soon so we are practising like crazy." He laughed back.
"My team is working hard as well"
"Well, I hope you do well, you take volleyball very seriously. You deserve it."
"Thanks" his smile was genuine. You light pink dusted your cheeks.
"Oh my god! You must be so hungry, I'll get you a snack." Before he could change your mind, you sprang into the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks, noticing your brother was studying at the coffee table.
Kuroo followed you, also noticing your brother at the table.
"Ohhhh, so you must be (f/name)'s brother! Your so cute" he smiled "You look like her too" he laughed.
"My name's Lewis, by the way"
Your brother looked up, meeting his eyes with kuroo. Groaning, he responded
"Not again! Everyone says I'm cute?! When will anyone say I look my age?" He half laughed, half whined.
You and kuroo laughed.
"Never" You giggled.
"Kuroo you shouldn't say that haha, he's actually 12. He just looks a lot younger than you think." You grinned
"No way! I'm sorry, Lewis?" He said with an apologetic smile and lifting his hands up suggesting he wasn't guilty. Lewis nodded and looked back down to say he was to carry on studying.
"Come on" you said nodding your head to kuroo in the direction towards the stairs.
You sat down in front of your coffee table in the middle of your room, spreading the snacks across the table. Tapping the space in front of you, kuroo took the hint and kneeled at the table. Incredibly hungry, kuroo grabbed a packet of potato chips and dived right in.
"So do you want to finish the project or just chill for a bit?" Resting your head on your hands.

About an hour passed, to be fair, you were having some good conversations with him. You didn't realise how entertaining he could be, not to mention you also underestimated how kind and caring of a person kuroo can be as well.
"No, no wait! I've got a good one! Is your name Google? Because your everything I've been searching for" you cackled.
"How about... You must be a red blood cell because you take the oxygen out of my lungs and bring it right to my heart." He smirked and then started laughing as you burst out laughing.
"I knew you would say something nerdy! You big nerd!"
"Shut up! You, you midget!" He responded, looking embarrassed slightly.
You tilted your head back again and screamed another laugh.
"I'm not even that small, I'm actually tall for my age! Your just a giant, and besides there's nothing wrong with being a nerd. I think they're cool. " You said, settling down.
"Really? I've never heard anyone say that" kuroo said, looking astonished.
"Well, let me be the first to say that to you" you smiled genuinely at him. Blushing a bit, he smiled back, holding his eyes on you for a while.
"Oh wow! Look at the time! We've been talking for way too long! I should get going." He said, quickly getting up and looking at the clock behind you.
"Actually, you should as my parents will be home soon. Normally, I wouldn't mind seen as though tomorrow's the weekend but my parents will be tired from work."
"Awe, how considerate" he said teasingly
You shrugged him off and pushed him out of your room, towards the stairs.
"You know, kuroo, we should actually hang out. Your actually cool." You smiled.
Raising an eyebrow, kuroo smiles back.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment? I thought you were cool ages ago. Whatever, I'll take it. We should hang out more, midget." He smirked.
"Nerd!" You retorted.
"You sassy brat!" Is all he could manage.
"You annoying classmate!" You said pulling a serious face until the both of you burst back into another laughing fit. Kuroo stopped laughing first and silently watched you as you laughed, tilting your head back with the occasional snorts and hands slamming down on your legs. Your brother would later tell you that your laugh was ugly, however kuroo thought it was spectacular. Not noticing how long he had been staring at you for, you stopped laughing and said
"What's up? You seem really quite now." You asked, dumbfounded.
Snapping back to reality he responded
"Erm nothing! Your just... so pretty..." He whispered.
A crimson blush crept onto your face. He hoped you hadn't heard what you said but took the hint that you heard when he saw your face. He turned his face away and scratched his head.
"Your not so bad yourself" You giggled, moving forward. He turned to you, shocked you'd say something nice to him. While he turned to you, you took the opportunity, making your lips meet his. His eyes widened, shocked at what you did all of a sudden although closed his eyes and kissed you back. His lips softly brushed over your lips for a few more seconds until you pulled away and heard your brother shout...
"Eww! I thought you were just friends, not like boyfriend!" He was watching, smirking.
"No, no, no! I swear we are!" Kuroo claimed, not wanting to create the wrong impression.
"Hmm, I didn't know that's what friends do." Lewis challenged, with a sly smile on his face before entering the living room.
"I swear to god" You threatened before quickly giving up. When you turned back around kuroo was putting his shoes on.
"I'm sorry about that" you mumbled.
"It's fine, what can you expect from him seeing us?" He laughed.
"I guess, yeah" You laughed back. He stood up and turned around once more before saying
"Hang out tomorrow?" Kuroo asked, grinning widely.
Walking out of the door, he turned once more a to wave and then left into the night.

~ The end ~
I hope you like this one, I think it might be a bit cheesy but then again, if only rl could be like fanfics. I'll have to leave this up to you guys to see how this one went. Please let me know. Cheers 🙌

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