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“Greta! Where are my boots?” asked Sophie while buttoning the wrists of
her shirt, she was getting ready for her trip to the mystery island. She
had to hurry, it was about 5PM and the ship will take off in 2 hours.You see when she went for business trips she didn’t wear the long heavy dresses, she wore the attire of a gentleman. It consisted of a high waist
pants held by spenders with a white loose shirt a vest and a coat.
She tucked it in the trousers while walking fast to her room to get her
vest, bragging inside she looked around trying to find what she was
looking for.

“Aha, got it” she said picking up the vest and putting it on quickly, she
pulled her long black hair behind her back. As she walked back towards
the door, a petite girl with blonde hair put in a French braid came running
holding a pair of black boots in her hand.

“Miss Sophie, I got your boots”
Greta said out of breathe, Sophie smiled at her and took the boots, she sat on a nearby chair to put them on leaning down she laced them up and stood up.

“Greta please get me my jacket it’s in the closet, bring the black one”

said Sophie while fixing her spenders, Greta walked to the closet and looked for the black jacket her mistress was looking for.

“Here you go miss”
Sophie put her hand in the right sleeve followed by the left one and buttoned up the jacket, she was about fix her bowtie when she realized she didn’t have one.

“oh bloody hell”

she said frustrated when she turned around, Greta was smiling at her holding what looked like a cravat, Sophie reached to grab it but the blonde girl backed away and said slowly,

“Let me fix it for you”

coming closer, the shorter girl threw the cravat around Sophie’s neck rolling it into a well-made bowtie.
All that time, the dark headed young lady was watching her maid carefully.

Was she so short or was I so tall? Either way, she was beautiful.

She thought to herself while smiling.
“All done, miss”, she backed away and bowed respectfully and walked out.

She had enough time to say goodbye to her father she grabbed hercoat and her hat and went downstairs.


Stepping out of the vehicle, Sophie felt the wind hit her face. She took a deep breath taking in the beautiful smell of the sea and smiled at the memories she had with her father, all the trips she took with him. This time she was alone her very first time traveling by herself, she needed to succeed in order to show all the men who ever said that women can’t run a business.

Her driver took out her luggage and waited for her to walk to the ship.
Sophie looked around until she spotted a special jib. A jib is a type of sail allowing outsiders to instantly know the ship’s origin.

“Thanks Edward they can take it from here” she told her driver, two buffed men walked to her and bowed then grabbed her luggage and took it to the ship.

“Miss Williams, are you ready to sail with us?”
Sophie looked to where the voice came from to see her old friend who’s now a famous ship captain.

“Captain Jones, it’s a pleasure to see you again” she took his hand and
they started walking towards the ship, she put her hands behind her back and walked with her head high. Every sailor looked at her with wonder, what was a woman doing in a man’s clothes? Or how is she walking with the best captain in the city?

“My father was so happy for me Richard, you can’t even believe how big his smile was. It made me so proud” she smiled jumping inside the ship followed by the captain.

“I know mate, he couldn’t help it. He has a strong woman for a daughter.
Oh by the way the trip is gonna take weeks, follow me I’ll show you to
your room” Sophie nodded and followed the captain.

“May I ask you a question captain?” asked the woman.

“You just did” replied Richard,

she wasn’t amused with his response at all.

“Is it true that the island has only women?”

she asked again taking her coat and hat off, the room was a little warm.

“Well as far as I know, Yes. The men were only field workers, in farms”
he said lighting up his cigarette with a match. She looked at him surprised. She spoke again,

“So women were in the government, the police and the army? This might
be the best thing I’ve ever heard. It is heaven” Richard laughed at her enthusiasm, and sat on the bed next to her.

“Rumors say that their leader was killed by a man so the ladies were lost
and men took the opportunity and over threw them cause they were
vulnerable” Sophie was shocked from what she heard, but that didn’t make any sense to her if it’s meant to be women’s island that’s how it’s supposed to stay, right?

“I’mma head out, we have to sail now take some rest and I’ll see you

After Richard closed the door Sophie undressed and laid on the bed thinking about the island she’s heading to. She felt all different type of emotions the idea of being in an island full of women excited her to the point that she couldn’t sleep.
After a while of being lost in her thoughts her eyes started to get heavy
and soon she left to her dreamland.

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