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The day before a letter was sent to Philip with the location where the battle would be occurring. It was an open area of the island between two hills. Artemis had the perfect strategy to defeat Andino's army. The archers were put on both sides of the hills in hidden sights. The lightly armed infantry were parted into two groups the twins and Claire were with the women on the right side. Samara, Beatrice and other girls from their group were on the left side. They were hiding between the trees at the bottom of the hills. Sophie, Artemis, Andromeda along with the cavalry group were on their side of the field. Behind them were the rest of the women on foot some with swords and others with guns and very big surprise that Richard was taking care of.

Far away they could see Andino's soldiers walking in perfect sync till they reach their side of the field. Artemis, Sophie and Andy rode their horses to the middle where they were met with Philip, his son and another soldier.

"You have one last chance to retreat, Artemis. And no one would die today" Philip spat. Artemis looked at Sophie.

"May the strongest win" Sophie replied and they all went back to their lines.

It was a chilly morning and the sun was covered with grey clouds. Everyone was waiting for Artemis' signal. No one dared move before she ordered it.

Philip being the foolish man he is he lead his men right into their death. On Sophie's side they stood still and silent. Artemis looked at Maria who knew what she was supposed to do. She shot her gun in the sky.

Andino stopped wondering why their enemy haven't move a muscle yet. He looked at sky to see it raining with arrows.


After he thought it was over he turned to see pools of bodies everywhere. But he still kept on attacking.

The girls were ready to launch on Artemis' signal. She took her sword out and took a deep breath.

"May the goddess be with you. Yuh!" she pushed her horse and so did the other horsemen. It was time for the ones hiding on the sides of the hill to attack. Andino was circled from every corner.

Bodies collided and the sound of metal hitting each other everywhere. Screams cries filled their ears. Samara grabbed two men by the head and slammed them together. While Beatrice was decapitating whoever stood in her way. Andy jumped off Ebon landing with her sword inside the head of a soldier. And Sophie had two pistols shooting and killing like everybody else did. Maria jumped wrapping her legs around the neck of Andino's son who wasn't expecting it. Twisting herself around making him flip and fall then Iris stabbed him right between his legs he screamed on top of his lungs.

"Finish him" said Maria before running somewhere to continue her work. Iris smirked and dragged her sword opening his stomach. It felt great to finally have her revenge. She was too focused on the dead body that she didn't see a man running towards her but before he could reach, he was hit by another man's flying body. She looked to see Samara glaring at her.


The twins were having too much fun. Lara would decapitate a guy and throw the head at her sister who would kick the head hard making it fly somewhere then they laugh about it.

Their smiles were whipped off when a sword was pierced through Lara's back. Laura took a gun and shot the guy in the head and hugged her sister's lifeless body. Claire was keeping the other men from reaching them. When nobody was coming she dropped to her knees and grabbed Lara's cold hand and sobbed.

On the other side of the field Artemis was holding a guy by the hair with a sword against his throat. The mistake is that she didn't notice the arrow in his hand. He smirked and hit her side making her yelp. She bit her lower lip and dragged her blade slitting his throat.

Looking down at her side she knew she shouldn't take the arrow out so she broke it leaving have of it inside her and going back to her horse.

"RETREAT!" she yelled. Everyone knew they need to move except Philip and what was left from his men. He thought he was winning but he was far from that. The girls ran back to their starting positions. Everyone went back to their side of the field when Artemis saw that her women were safe she yelled for Richard who was waiting passionately for his turn.


Richard with the help of other women pushed the canons to their designed places. He smirked.

"FIRE!" The exploding sounds were ear deafening but it was worth it. Seeing Andino's petrified face was the highlight of the day.

When the firing stopped they went to check if someone was alive. They were merciful on the survivors they took them as prisoners. Reaching the body of Caesar Andino son of Philip put a big smile on her face when she saw his opened eyes and lifeless corps.

"NO!" Sophie heard Artemis scream behind her to see Andino piercing his knife in Andromeda's stomach. Falling into their knees as he pushed the dagger deeper in her. Then he let the body fall to the side and smirked.

"You took my boy from me. Now I took yours from you" Before he could finish his last words Artemis threw her spear at him and it went right through his neck making him choke on his own blood.

Artemis fell to her knees leaning her head on the body of her eldest daughter. When Sophie thought everything has finally changed to the better. There she stood looking at her lover's unmoving corps. She thought she was going to carry her children. Live a happy ever after.

We are all afraid of losing the person we value he most. Afraid of how we'll see the world without them because they were the one to colour our grey sky. Be the moonlight in our darkest nights. To Sophie, Andromeda was her other half since the moment they set eyes on each other. But now that she was staring at her unmoving frame she felt abandoned, betrayed even. She couldn't hold it in anymore. All the anger all that agony made her insides burn. She felt herself shake. A power was taking over her. Her eyes were shining white as she looked at the sky. She lifted her hand up and the clouds started getting darker. They were matching her emotions. Sadness and Anger. Lightning. Rainstorms were coming. The weather has gotten windier with an unbearable cold. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her but they weren't from whom she wanted them to be. Laura hugged her and tried to calm her. Sophie closed her eyes and lied on Laura screaming and crying her eyes out for her lost love.

"Burry our dead and burn the rest" was the only thing Artemis said before she took off on her horse.

Samara was carrying Andy while Laura carried her twin. No one said anything the whole way back to the cabins.

"Who's that? Artemis who is that Samara carrying?" yelled Melody.

"Our little girl" Artemis' whispered her voice cracked as she barely got the words out.

Aphrodite and Melody ran to Samara as she gently put Andy on the grass, it was miserable for everyone. Nobody knew what to do or where to go. Women were burying their dead. Lovers holding each other for comfort and those who have lost them were sobbing quietly with an empty and broken heart.

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