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I am unable to talk to Andy, let along ask her to be my partner for that party. I sighed,

"Its not the end of the world, Sophie."

We were now waiting for Aphrodite to finish her shift. I was wearing my black dress and I had a purple dress for Andy in case she wanted to go with me.

"It is for me Richy, what if she makes fun of me?"

He looked at me like I had two heads, what I am terrified she'll think I'm weird or something. Have you seen her, I have no clue how I can stand next to her without passing out.

"So the scary Boss who petrified four men this morning, is scared of a girl" he just chuckled,

"She's not a girl, she's a woman in all her glory. You didn't even see her mate, she's breath taking" I know I had dreamy eyes. Richard just shook his head and opened the car door.

"Hello miss" Aphrodite was walking towards us with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I hope I haven't left you waiting"

"No you did not, love. Get in" I stepped aside so she can take a seat next to Richy. So the only thing left right now is how to ask Andy.

Maybe I should write her something, great idea that way I won't stutter while talking to her.

"Sir, do you have a paper and a nib?" I asked the driver. He nodded and looked around for what I asked.

Taking the paper from him I started writing,

Dear Miss Andromeda, a dance party is being held at the governor's house tonight and having a partner is a must, I couldn't think of anyone else suitable to join me.

"Well you haven't stopped thinking about her rejecting you either" said Aphrodite. I looked up at her to see her snooping.

"Hey! No snooping" anyways,

Will you do me the honour and be my companion to the dance.


I held the paper up for the shorter girl to take it, but she just smirked and turned to the other way, what is wrong with her?

"Can you please give this to your sister?"

"Συγγνώμη, δεν μιλάω αγγλικά" a/n:(sorry I dont speak English)

I just looked at her like she spoke mermaid language, I still tried to pass her the note but she had her little hands in fists.

"Oh hell Aphrodite take the bloody note to your sister", she laughed at how frustrated I sounded.

"With all due respect I am not doing that, Miss"

"And why not?" I asked curiously, she looked me dead in the eyes and smiled.

"Because my sister likes confident women, so you have to go inside and ask her yourself, and if you haven't noticed yet we are already here"

I crumbled the paper in my hand and stepped out the car, it's now or never. I pushed the wooded door and walked inside the library, to find Andy in leather pants and boots and a white loose button up shirt, she had her feet on top of the table from the other day where she was explaining to me about Sappho and she was holding a book in her hands.

At the sound of the bell she lifted her eyes and glanced at the door, when her dark orbs landed on me I felt goosebumps on my skin. So gorgeous, so breath taking.

"Good evening" I said in a barely audible voice, she smiled and closing her book.

Walking towards her, I saw Aphrodite giving me thumbs up from the stairs.

"Hello there, Sophie right?" giving me her hand to shake,

"Yes, Ehm so can I talk to you for a second?" she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me close the shelves, my heart was doing flips at the feel of her hand.

"What is it?"

"I- well you see, I want to ehh. You, hmm. UGH" she just chuckled at me,

I felt soft lips press against mine and I felt so tingly like my body was on fire, as fast it came it was gone. I was longing for more but she was already waiting for me to speak.

"You're cute" my eyes were wider than the moon,

"Will you go to the dance with me?" I said really fast, she walked away.

"Where's the dress?" Jesus Christ that means it's a yes. I ran out to the car taking the dress out from there, and heading back inside to give it to her. Taking the dress from my hands she walked up the stairs and I looked for a chair to sit on.

I don't know how long I've been waiting for her to come down, and when she did my breath got caught into my throat. It's like I didn't know how to breathe anymore. The dress hugged her body so good, it was meant to be worn by her.

I stood on my feet and walked to her still stunned how the colour of the dress made her olive skin so pleasing to look at.

"You you look marvellous" taking her hand into mine and putting my other on top of it, I could see a little blush creep on her cheeks and it made my heart jump. She mumbled a quick thank you.

I smiled at her and gave her my arm to hold on to it, as we walked out to the car and opening the door for her to go inside, I noticed Richard wasn't there.

"Where's Richard?" the guy started the car and spoke,

"I drove him to the castle miss. I came back to get you, he said you would want privacy." I nodded my head and intertwined my fingers with Andy's and gave it a squeeze.

Reaching our destination, I helped her step out of the vehicle and guided us to the main entrance.

"You ready?" I whispered in her ear.

"Ready as I can be".

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