Welcome.....I Guess

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Author: Alright FINALLY the story will get cooking with gas. You'll meet Husk in this episode and other residents of the Hazbin Hotel. Now you might notice exchanges between characters that slightly resemble a ship. I did that for fun so you can make of it what you will. Make it a ship moment or a general exchange. I don't care. Also not a lot of slang in this one cuz I think it would be kind of annoying if I shove it in every other line lol! (Art by snoobs01 on Tumblr)


@The Sin City Casino


I pushed him off while he was distracted by a pounding headache and pulled out my shiv. The good thing about Hell? No one has any shame.....including me. I stabbed him repeatedly till he passed out like the other guy. I picked up my knife and got off of the ground. Apparently I caused a scene cuz everyone was starting at me.

Y: "Yo if you're gonna stare might as well be of some use to me. I'm looking for someone named Huskie or something."

I calmed down causing my flames to return to white while people awkwardly looked around for a bit. A hand was raised in the back near a poker table. I walked passed the crowd to find a cat man with wings unbothered by the scene that had taken place. He was still looking at his cards getting ready for his next move even tho he was the only one at the table.

H: "You Rang?"

Y: "Uh.....ya..........Listen I heard you worked at a hotel and I-"

That seemed to trigger something in him because he immediately got up and looked at me in surprise.

H: "Uh I-uh have no idea what you are talking about. Excuse me I need a smoke."

He quickly moved past me and to the backdoor Exit.

'Ya well take me with you cuz I could use one as well. No way in Hell you're getting out of this.'

Y: "YO wait up Dr. Seuss!"

I jogged up to him and followed him to the Exit.

H: "Listen I have no time for some whiny ass bitch comin in and interrupting me while I smoke."

Y: "Got a lighter?"

H: "....................Fuck alright follow me. We'll talk out here."

We walked out of the Exit which lead to the back alleyway. To the left you could see the people trying to get into the casino and cars passing on the street. It was all far enough that you could see it but not close enough that people would hear us. I turned to see Huskie boy pulling out a cigar.

H: "You gonna be useful and light it or not?"

Y: "I will on one condition. You tell me about the hotel you work at."

H: *sigh* "Fine."

I lit his Cigar and pulled out a cig myself.

Y: "So what IS the hotel exactly?"

H: "The hotel is a place were sinners go to get rehabilitated so they can be sent to heaven and not sty here for all eternity."

Y: "Ok so how many residents do you have?"

 H: Currently we have 3. If you don't count the staff that is."

Y: "Who runs the hotel?"

H: "The hotel is run under the management of the princess of Hell and her girlfriend Vaggie."

Y: "Where is it and do you have any rooms?"

He froze and kinda looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language to him.

H: "You're serious?"

Y: "Ya I'm serious! I got my own shit full of problems too."

H: "Hmph well we got plenty of space right now since no one is afraid of the extermination yet. I thought you were asking about it cuz you wanted to expose me to my mates back there or rat me out to the hotel that I've been sneaking out to come here for the past 4 nights."

Y: "..........Well shit you kinda gave yourself away on that one didn't ya?" *smiles*

H: "I'll hook you up with a room if you promise to agree that this conversation never happened."

He stuck his hand out and I shook it.

Y: "Deal!"

H: "Alright well it's almost morning so we really should be getting back to the hotel before they notice anything..........Shit my first patron........They better make me employee of the month!" *Chuckles*

We put out our butts and walked on way too the hotel. One a mostly silent walk later we were at the front door.

H: "Hey I don't think I got your name?"

Y: "Oh it's (Y/N), and this might be weird, but whats your name?

H: "Husk. And don't think I didn't hear you calling me Huskie and Dr. Seuss at the casino."

Y: "Husk huh?..........I'll make Dr. Seuss your nickname then!"

H: "Ugh of course you are."

He motioned for the door handle, but before he opened the door he turned to me.

H: "Now I'm sure I don't need to tell ya, but you might wanna shut your trap."

Y: "How thoughtful, what's with it and people thinking I'm some kind of oil can!"

I accidentally raised my voice a little too loud, causing some dogs in a house a couple blocks down the street to start barking.

H: "And that's the reason why I said it."

He opened the door to reveal a quite large common area or lobby with a large T.V. on the wall to my left. There was a large magenta square rug in the middle of the room with a pink couch in the center and a small rectangular coffee table in front of the couch. To my right I saw a small bar that also looked like it was the front desk. Husk went behind the bar while I was gathering in the sights.

H: "Here's your key. Room 32, third floor on your right."

Y: "Thanks bud!"

I turned to leave but before I could he grabbed my arm and turned me towards him.

H: "H-hey...Listen if you need someone to show you around or show you how things work around here..........don't hesitate to ask."

He kinda mumbled that last part while he was looking down.

'Weird.....maybe he's just worried.....wait no one in Hell worries about someone. I'll just ask him about it later.'

Y: "Ya sure.....of course!"

He didn't give me any sort of parting and just let go of my arm while still looking down. I didn't know what to make of it. I eventually found my way to my room but ran into someone on the way.

Y: "Oof- sorry."

UK: "Huhhhhhzzzzzzz~"

Y: "..........Hello?"

UK: "Uhzuhiiiiiizzzzzzzz~"

'...........What the Hell?'

It was a tall gentleman in red pinstripe pajamas with what looked like deer ears and antlers sticking out of his red hair. I sat there staring at him for a good minute almost tying not to laugh. Eventually he did move past me and walked to the elevator. He pressed some button and the doors closed.

Y: "..........Interesting greetings they got here."


Butts - Cigarettes

Oil Can - A stupid female

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