A Lot of Yelling

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Hey guys! I've been missing the creative and calm feelings writing has given me so here I am continuing the story. There are still some parts that seriously need revisions, but I'll get it one day. Also this chapter is about 50 to 70 words short of 1000. I try and make every chapter at least 1000 words, but I think this is a pretty funny place to end. Don't worry I'll immediately start picking up where I left off. (Art by silencia96 on Tumblr)



He turned towards the door and gave a quick wave of his hand. I'm guessing it was his lazy way of saying goodbye once the door shut behind him the other gentlemen he called 'Alastor' calmed down and let his guard down. Everyone let out a long sigh they didn't know they were holding in.

A: "I thought he would never leave."

"Uh Alastor right? Hi I'm (Y/N). Sorry if I made things worse. I tend to do that a lot."

I rubbed the back of my neck bashfully knowing I did what I always did. Fired some witty, sarcastic, asshole remarks without thinking. I just didn't expect someone to fire a remark within the same vein back.

A: "Certainly your mannerism could use some work. Yes I am Alastor, The Radio Demon. One of the Overlords in Hell. Thanks for tarnishing my reputation dear."

'Ya he hates me. Ugh another instance of my attitude preventing me from forming bonds. And I wonder why I have no friends.'

"Ya.....sorry about that..."

C: "Hey it's ok! We all make mistakes, but that's why we are here. To acknowledge them and grow from them. Hi I'm Charlie! Proud owner of the Happy Hotel!"

H: "Hazbin."

C: "Y-yes the.....HAZBIN Hotel....."

'Hmm she seems kinda upset about that. Was it originally called the Happy Hotel? Based on first impressions I'd say yes. Why was it changed tho and who changed it?'

C: "A-anyway let me introduce you to the res of the gang! Let's see.....I assume you met Husk."

He gave me a small, but noticeable wave.

C: "And you just met Alastor."

I looked at Alastor, but his eyes were serious and full of judgement. He was still smiling tho.

C: "So I guess I'll start with my lovely girlfriend Vaggie."

She walked over and gave her girlfriend a side hug while Vaggie game me a shy wave.

C: "And uhh OH shouldn't we go get Angel Dust?"

H: "That bag of shit probably had no idea what the fuck was going on. I'd be surprised if he even stirred at the noise we were making."

A: "I shall fetch him."

V: "But you can't stand him?"

A: "I know..."

Alastor went off on his way while Charlie chatted with me a bit more.

C: "So Husk said he found you on the street last night? What were you doing out there so late?"

'Crud my first day here and I start sinning. I gotta come up with a lie so they don't know Husk was at the Casino last night.'

"Well I was at a bar and got so wasted I started stumbling and Hus here found me pullin a Daniel Boone."

C: "Well if you don't mind me asking, how did you die?"

"Pff trust me you don't want to get me on that train again. Let's just say Gangsters were after me and shot me dead in an al-"

I was abruptly interrupted by a yell coming from upstairs. All of the sudden I hear a POOF sound and Alastor is right there behind me.


V: "Told ya."

A: "Urg I need to go blow off steam. Excuse me darlings."

He then stomped his way to the front door and left.

"..........What the Hell was that about?"

We heard another yell but it was more of a crying scream this time. Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, and I ran to the elevator to check it out. We took the elevator since Charlie said Angel lived on a high floor and regarding the scene we just saw, we figured it was Angel letting out that scream. We got up to the 10th floor where his room was and saw there was a small cyclops demon with pink hair looking very concerned. She was standing in front of a door and we heard sobbing coming from it.

UK: "I just don't know what to do! I was up here getting a start on my daily chores when I heard Alastor come up here to get Angel for some reason. Angel wouldn't leave his room so Alastor stepped in and shut the door. A few minutes went by and I heard crying. Next thing I know Alastor POOFS in the hall and shouts in frustration and then POOF again!"

C: "Thanks Niffty, we can handle it from here."

N: "Are Al and Angel gonna be ok?"

C: "I'll make sure of it." *smiles*

The door was unlocked, but Charlie knocked amyway to ask for permission. Angel didn't answer, but his sobbing ceased. Charlie took that as a yes and stepped in. She closed the door to give them some privacy.

".................uh Niffty right?"

N: "Yes! And who might you be?"

"Oh I'm (Y/N)!"

N: "Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'm the house keeper of the Happy Hotel!"

H: "Ugh once agian it's HAZBIN now. Alastor changed it."

N: "Oh did he? I hadn't noticed."

H: "Don't you sweep the roof one day every week?"

N: "Ya so?"

H: "..........You didn't see the huge ass sign?"

N: "No! Cuz I'm not cleaning the sign, I'm cleaning the roof!"

H: *Face Palm* "I'm surrounded by a bunch of fucking idiots."

N: "HEY!.....That hurt my feelings."

Niffty was rolling one of her ankles and poking her fingers together while playfully pouting. I looked at Husk and it looked like he had a moment of regret.

H: ".....Hey ya listen. I didn't mean for it to sound-"



Daniel Boone - To throw up after drinking too much

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