Chapter 1

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Jin pov: i was with my girlfriend we was making out on the couch until we  heard the door open when we both pulled away we saw jungkook her little brother he looked at us with no expression then ran to his room as i heard a door slam and his sister just rolled her eyes and pulled me into a kiss.

jungkooks pov: i walked into the house and saw my crush and my sister making out, i felt jealousy and sadness take over so i ran to my room, and sat on my bed calming myself down before changing my clothes, i wore a light pink hoodie with short shorts and thigh highs and called my friend namjoon and asked him if he wanted to hang with me and he said sure and he went to ask his daddy, jackson, if he could go and i smiled and thought about jin being my daddy until a ping brought me out of my thought, i giggled to myself as joonie sent in all caps that he can go,  so i told him he could pick me up and he sent a kissy face emoji and said on his way. i got excited as i ran down the stairs and saw jin and my sister sitting there talking "where are you going boy?" my sister asked me, i rolled my eyes replying "i got a name girl" and she got an attitude and told me to watch my mouth i laughed and told her to clean hers and then i got a messege from joonie saying he was outside and when i looked back up my sister was trying to get to me but jin was holder her back, i stuck my tongue out at her and then ran outside as she had got out if jins grip and chased after me i then hopped in the caer and told jackson to step on it and he did and i laughed as we drove away, we got to a mall and i slipped ito little space because joonie was watching cartoons on his phone and i started to watch it too, we both got out the car and we intertwined our hands like we always do as we walked into the mall and started looking around.

jins pov; i was talking to my girlfriend as she was still fuming about jungkook and i got a bit agry that she was calling that little baby bad names, i honestly am attracted to jungkook, ever since i found out about him, he just soo cute and tiny he acts a bit weird sometimes but i like that weirdness, so i was trying to get her to shut up but she just wouldn't i got up and walked to the door and she asked with a nasty snarky attitude and i told her home and she ased why and i told her that i didnt like little girls who have bad attitudes and an ugly personality and she scoffed and told me she didnt care, and i said ok and left, i then get a text from my friend yoongi asking if i wanted to go to the mall with him and the others and i replied yes and i drove over to his house and they hopped in my car before i could even unbuckle my seatbelt, i laughed and drove to the mall.

time skip.................................................

jins pov; we walked around the mall then i saw jungkook and two other boys and i walked up to them and said hi and jungkook said hello then asked me why i was here and where was his sister, i told him me and his sister had broken up he just said ok and i started a small coversation with him and i asked him for his number because i really liked talking with him and because of the whole crush thing, so i gave him my phone and he turned sideways intot he seat and entered it. As he was entering it i was staring at his thick thighs that i wanted to rub my hands over.

jungkooks pov: i was typing my number in but as i looked up i saw jin was staring at my thighs i blushed and tapped his shoulder and he jumped a little, "huh" he said pretty loudly and i handed his phone to him and he asked if i wanted to continue shopping with him and his friends and i nodded and asked his friends if they wanted to come and they smiled and said of course.

as we were walking i noticed some of them staring at namjoon strangely as he kept calling jackson daddy and acting like a baby and i told them and they all just nodded and joonie and i was holding hands jin was staring st them like he wanted to rip our hands apart, i just brushed it off and we all continued shopping then jin offered to drive me home and i said ok and told my friends and joonie told me to becareful and i said i was.

we pulled up to my house first and the others, jimin,jhope,and yoongi all said goodnight as i got out and i smiled and said good night. i walked iside and saw mom and dad sitting there and i hugged them and they asked where i was,  i explained the whole stuation and they just said ok and that i needed to text them when i was going to be home late, i walked to my room and hopped into my pjs then settled into bed watching youtube on my tv and falling asleep shortly after.

MY LITTLE KOOKIE//JINKOOK AU//Where stories live. Discover now