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jins pov; i had fell asleep last night thinking about jungkook, i smiled and texted him..hopefully hes awake.

italics jugkook)

good morning ggukkie!!

ggukkie??? and good morning

its your nickname now and how did you sleep??

i slept good thankyou and aww cute ill call you jinnie

thats good and youre welcome. or you can call me world wide handsome.👌👌😁😁😁

omg🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ NO!!! i will not.

AWWWW thatsucks, hey can i come over?

hahaa and yea sure anytime you want idc

ok ill be over in an hour.

ok bye bye jinnie hyung.

i was excited but then i looked at my stuffie and i started talking to him slowly slipped into little space until i fully was in and was now wearing a my onesie with my paci talking to my stuffie, angel, and was so into my conversaton with him that i didnt hear my room door opening.

jins pov; i hopped out of bed and took a good shower so i can be clean and smell good for my ggukkie as soon as i was finished i rushed over to see him i knocked on the front door and was met with mrs,jung and i said good morning and bowed and asked if i could see jungkook and she nodded and said yes and held the door open so i could go in and i said thank you and went to jungkooks room and opened th door to find jungkook in a purple onsie and a blue pacifier in his mouth talking tohis stuffed animal and i stared at him for a good five minutes before realizig he is exactly like the boy he was with at the mall a little and i snuck up behind him and scremed boo before he screamed and then looked at me ad started crying, "aww im sorry i didnt mean it" i cooed to him and wiped his face and i kissed his nose and pulled him into my lap"innie nu mwean scares ookie?"he asked through sobs and hiccups and i smiled and said no soflty to him before i layed him down and cuddled with him. ngl last night i looked up on this stuff and i really liked it and i was extremely happy when i now realise jungkook was one, i askd jungkook if he had a daddy and while he was playing with my shirt button he said no and i aksed him if he wanted me to be his daddy and he hopped up fast squealing yes and i said ok and he jumped ito my arms and we layed there for a while until we got bored and i went to cook him breakfast.\tbc


sorry for the tbc im really tired rn so next chapter will hopefully be longer i hope you like it.💖💖 

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