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kookie pov; I woke up really little and I sat in bed and noticed my daddy wasn't there and I got sad and started crying and then daddy ran into the room and asked what was wrong and I held my hands out making grabby hands towards him and he picked me up and I got picked up and I cooed out with happiness and he kissed my cheeks making me smile and I asked for more kisses and he said ok and kissed my lips cheek and every other place on my face. "dwaddy more" I say as he stops and I get angry when he says no and I make a pouty face and he kissed me one more time on my lips and I smiled as he kissed me one more time and he led me into the kitchen and sat me on his lap as a plate of food was in front if us and he picked up the spoon and feeding me and I giggled, "yummy" and he said thankyou and I smiled after he fed me he kissed my temple and told me to go into the living room and watch cartoons and I nodded and he put me on the floor and I crawled to my destination while he did the dishes and I smiled and watched bubble guppies. after a while I fell asleep.

I woke up on the couch and jin was next to me on his phone and I looked at him and he asked me if I was ok and I nodded, "dwaddy me peepee" and jin looked at me and realized I peed on the couch and he groaned and sighed and took me to get cleaned and I cried thinking jin was mad at me and he held me close telling me I was ok and it was just an accident and I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead. I was clean now and daddy was cleaning the couch and I was in the corner playing

night time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in my footie pj's and daddy walked into the room and laid down and cuddled me into his arms and kissed me, "kookie I love you" and I smiled "I wove daddy more" and he smiled and kissed me a we laid down and enjoyed each other.


MY LITTLE KOOKIE//JINKOOK AU//Where stories live. Discover now