so if you want to know what this is about just read the story ;)
also sorry english IS NOT my first language so don't come at me for making mistakes <3
Felix woke up around 9am to see him cuddled up beside seungmin. Who was still sleeping. The australian boy slowly removed the blankets and got slowly out of the bed to not wake the younger one. Felix got ready and went to the kitchen afterwards to make breakfast for Jeongin,Seungmin and himself. He decided to make pancakes since they all liked them. He made the dough and started heating the pan.
15 minutes later Felix POV
i was now finished with the pancakes and went to wake up seungmin and jeongin. I entered Jeongins room and slightly shaked him so he'd wake up. "jeongin wake up i made pancakes-" i was interrupdet as soon as i said pancakes with jeongin jumping out of his bed and saying well almost shouting "i am up!" i laughed at my younger brother and told him to brush his teeth and then to come into the kitchen so we could all eat together. I went into my room wanting to wake up seungmin. When i entered i saw a peacefull seungmin sleeping- "WAKE UP SEUNGMINNNNN!" i shouted in his ear expecting him to well wake up but no he didn't even move an inch. "Oh god this will be hard" i thought to myself.
10 minutes later
i tried everything taking the blanket,taking the pillow,pouring water on his face but nothing worked i even started pulling him out of them bed but damn why was seungmin so strong. Meanwhile Jeongin was standin at the door watching us while laughing. "very funny jeongin very funny ughhh" i said. I gave up seriously why should i even try anymore i can just eat the pancakes with jeongin it's fine by me. ,,ugh okey i'll leave you but don't complain later on that i didn't try waking you up to eat pancakes" i said while walking out. Me and Jeongin sat on the small table in the kitchen starting to eat. Hearing footsteps coming near us we both looked to the side to see a grumpy seungmin scolding us why we didn't try to wake him up -_-
2 hours later
Seungmin left 1 hour ago because he needed to do something i don't really know. I was on Instagram about to post something when i saw this:
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how can this smoll bean carry me?!!?!? @seochangbin tell me your secrets ❤7,968 likes
@seochangbin: because i am stroooooong🐷🐰
@chris97: pffft
@binniesbin: awww cutee
@cb97fan1: you both are smoll beansss
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I tapped on the mentioned accoint because i'm a curious boy. this boy was really handsome but he rarely posted stuff so it was easy for me to get to the first ever picture he posted. He had a really sharp chin back then. "Oh shit" i yelled. Oh god i am dead why why why did i liked this picture omg he must think i am a creep or a stalker or some shit TT.
that's it fir today i wanyed to add jisung to the comments but somehow everytime i wrote jisungs insta name i came up with wattpad just wouldn't work and when i just wrote without the comment it would function so yeah sorry ji have a nice day🦊