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Felix pov

i was still freaking out that i liked this picture of this changbin dude. I could seriously cry. Like he is friends with chan and maybe i'll meet him someday and it would be so weirdd ahsujakwke. Okay come on felix you are overthinking he probably didn't even saw it like he has tons of followers he maybe thinks i am a fan or sth. Breathe in and Breathe out.


umm hey why did
you liked that post 2 years ago
lmao are you some kind of
stalker or sth?

wtf,wtf,wtf how how did he saw this and why did he decided to talk to me about it TT i need help. I probably should text hyunjin.

ho please come
and help me
                                     what's up bish

so there is this guy
who is friends with innies
date or sth and i may or
may not have liked a picture of
him 2 years ago and now
he texted me TT

                             lix you are the only
                         person who could get     
                      into this situation lmao

yk that doesn't help
me what should i do
he texted again

                                  what did he say ?

"don't wanna answer
tell me what to doooo

Felix heard a knock on his door and went to open it to see hyunjin standing there out of breath.
,,what are you doing here you live like 30 minutes away from here?"
Felix asked the still panting boy infront of him.
"i*pant* ran *pant* as *pant* fast as *pant* i could *pant*"
Felix started to laugh his ass of and hyunjin just stood there just trying to get his breath back.
Hyunjin went into felix's apartement not caring if felix would let him in or not and went straight to the kitchen to get water.
He drained a 1 liter bottle of water and sat on the couch after. Felix also sat on the couch after closing the door.
,,okey now tell me everything. Do you like this boy show me is he cute????" the now sitting boy who had sweat dripping from his forehead.


I AM SORRY it is so short and shitty but it's 3am and i forgot to upload TT
and btw thank you sm for 67 reads but like the most of y'all stoppes after the introduction like 17 people read the introduction and 4 reas the last part lol but i am still very grateful for the people who are enjoying my story THANK YOU <3 HAVE A GOOD DAY AND BE HAPPY :)

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