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          practice with @Hyunjinnie                    ❤ 567 likes

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          practice with @Hyunjinnie

@leelix: y'all are hanging out with out me!?!?

@leelix:  top 10 anime betrayals

        @Hyunjinnie: sorry bro              @leelix:
and now you brozone me?

@leelix: i still have you @minminie right
         @minminie: i just wanted to go and join them but oh well

      @leelix: i am: hurt 👁💧👄💧👁

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authors pov:

Felix was at home alone his friends all left him. He was actually really hurt because it was his last week in korea before he was going to australia it was a country he always wanted to go to since his foster parents told him he was born there. His english was pretty good and because he was born there he learned the accent. He just shook it off and went back on instagram.
He was disturbed by a knock on the door. Confused he walked over to the door and opened it to see someone he has never seen before. It was a guy he was as small as felix was and had black hair.

"can i help you?" Felix asked with a confused look on his face. The black haired guy answered "oh umm i am sorry do you know where yang jeongin lives?" Felix was more confused by now but he still answered "umm yes he lives here but he is not at home should i tell him something?" The boy standing infront of felix had a shocked expression on his face when he asked "are you his boyfriend?" Felix chocked on air and then laughed so hard,
then the black haired guy asked "what's so funny with that question?" Felix was on urge of crying because he laughed so much. He shook his head and said "no i am not his boyfriend i am his older brother" as he smiled at the other boy. "but who are you and what do you want from innie?" Felix asked sounding serious again
"well you see uhm we kind of went on a blind date and he told me i should meet him today in his apartement but looks like he had other plans..."

"oh sorry mate but if you want to you can come in and wait till he is here i got nothing else to do now"
Felix told him and for the first time the other boy smiled and nodded. Felix then leaded the boy inside the apartement and they both sat down on the couch.
" umm can i ask for your name and also could it be that you are australian or do you just like the word mate lol" Felix smiled and answered " so my name is felix or yongbok but i really hate when people call me that. And yes well i was born in australia but i was brought here to an orphanage and that's why i am here but anyways what is your name and why did you ask if i am from australia?"
The other one answered directly with "i am chan or christopher and i am from australia so i wanted to know" he smiled ate the younger of the two after answering. Felix and chan talked a bit when they heard a key from outside the door. Jeongin opened the door and walked in to see his brother with his blind date and he panicked.
"young man mind explaining me why this nice australian guy knocked on our door and said you told him to come here but you were hanging out with hyunjin?" Felix asked his younger brother.
"oh well uhm first of all sorry chan hyung i kinda forgot that it was today and felix just stay quiet." Jeongin stated. Chan was just nodding to show that he understood. Felix on the other hand was just shocked with the others reply and started talking "the disrespect ts first i just wanted to know why you were on a blind date and didn't tell me anything and second call me hyung you are always doing that so why not now -_-" the freckled boy told the other one obviously annoyed. The youngest didn't bother to answer he just walked over to chris and asked him if they should go out and eat some ice cream(wow now i want i scream but it's 11pm :( )
the oldest of the three agreed and said his goodbyes to felix.


oh my god guys i am so sorry this chapter deserves to be in the trash but like no one will read this anyway so good for you and if someone is actually reading this run, run as long as you can
BYEE have a nice day👁👄👁

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