Mailman Meets Engineer

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You know the feeling when you're driving and a tune just pops in your head? Well, of course you do because that's what was happening.

The radio was playing (a miracle really considering the radio station in Teufort), but despite that there was a certain tune stuck in your head and you couldn't quite place where you had heard it. It was bothering you so much that you had to turn down the radio just to think.

Were there any lyrics? No, none that you could remember...that made it harder. Usually you would think up the first lyric you could remember and hum it till the refrain and it would come to you. You could remember the tune at least.

What instrument was it? Not percussion or anything, no. And it wasn't any sort of brass or was more smooth and a string.

Over the crunching of the dry rocks on the desert dirt road you drove on, your thoughts played the melody over again, trying anything to get warmer to the solution.


You almost couldn't make the distinction, but slowly the music playing was slowly falling to your ears - your physical ears - not just because you were nodding your head along. "That!" You thought maybe it was the radio still playing lowly, so you turned up the nob quickly before the song could end-
And were quickly deafened by the sound of blaring pop music with way too much synthesizer and drums at full blast.

You jumped, not expecting it that loud, but honestly, what made it worse was the awful, scratchy layer of static over it. You quickly turned off the radio that thundered the walls of your old box with wheels; if you didn't, it might break the poor thing.

You slowed to a stop. You were almost at the RED Base, but you just had to get your heart rate down - nothing like full blast music you didn't expect to throw you off. Plus, they wouldn't mind, would they? You were on casual enough terms with them.

But then, there it was-

So it was someone playing it on a guitar from a distance..! You looked in the distance where RED Base was. Pyro wasn't on the porch, so it's not like they would be confused why you were off-tracking.
So now it was time to off track from the destination-

You drove around slowly, trying to get closer to the guitar. You focused on the sound of the strings, seeing if maybe you could identify the instrumental tune as you got near. No matter how much you listened, a title wouldn't come to mind, but the origin of it did. Well, the origin of how you heard it before-

You remembered, even in the days of being shot at trying to deliver mail, you could sometimes faintly hear this tune. You always just heard it as background, but at some point it must have crept up in your head.

You came to a stop just before hitting the concrete driveway that led up to the RED Base. You couldn't exactly call it "smooth;" their driveway felt like the rest of the bumpy dirt road, so having the concrete there really did nothing.

Whoever was playing was right outside the base...probably past those cacti and dry trees. were close enough to the Base, so you might as well give them their two letter ads; for whatever reason, Soldier really liked them at least. You hopped out, jogging over to the mailbox and then listened to the guitar...the mysterious western melody drawing in toward the source. You had to find out who was playing...

"Hey there, Mixta Mailman~" You heard the very distinct Bostonian accent behind you. Oh boy- you almost felt the eye roll. You didn't know why that guy and his accent got to you, but it did. Probably just from your first meeting; at first he was all like 'yeah go' but now it was like he wanted to annoy you with his cocky attitude and smile every chance he got or wanted to "remind you who's boss."

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