Mailman Meets Spy

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You finished your delivery and lesson for the day. This had only been your second day practicing with Engie, but you thought you were doing fairly alright as far as getting the hang of the E-minor chord goes. Then again, that was one of the easiest and basic ones, but it's also used in a lot of different songs, so it was important to get down. You felt bad since you were a bit slow, but Engineer didn't seem to mind: he wanted to be sure you perfected it afterall.

Between Engie and Pyro, you had really taken your sweet time getting back to the post office to cash out for the day, but the boss made no mention of it, so it was probably fine. It was only about 45 minutes extra; 30 if the engine decided to work with you. The max your little box went was only 55 miles per hour as old as it was.

The sun didn't set until past 8:20 pm over here so it was still nice and bright as you cruised back to the center of town, and the sun wasn't nearly as harsh a mistress as she was at noon. Your rides back were normally pleasant since there wasn't anything more to do for the day but relax and soak in your you-time; you had been down these roads so many times you probably didn't have to look at the road to know what was right in front of you, but of course, you were a responsible enough driver...just in case anyone else would be down these roads.

Occasionally there was a truck that came by, which you noticed belonged to Sniper after you had seen him better in the front window and were able to put face to name from that meeting. Maybe he came around here to just practice guessed, given his name. Everyone's name seemed to correlate with what they do afterall, that was a given to you and probably anyone else here who still had a touch of common sense.

So why you didn't learn to check your mail truck for a certain Spy after the first time and given his sneaky nature was a mystery to you.

Your usual route unfortunately seemed to be blocked by boulders. "Ugh...damnit.." You cursed at the inconvenience. Looks like you would have to take the other road. You hated it; it was so much bumpier and unkept, but at least it wouldn't be blocked. How this even happened was a mystery to you since it was normally so quiet and the chances for a rockfall now would be slim to none...guess the rocks just gave up. Mood.

At least someone was bound to clean up this road. It was the main road...

You looked behind you just to check that there was no one who magically materialized and reversed off the road so you could get onto the other bumpier road running parallel. Good thing you had your seat belt too - you hit that first bump and you could literally feel the rise and fall of your gut.
And you heard the thump and grunt of a body in the back- Never have you hit the breaks harder in your life. "daFUQ-?!"

You turned around and there was no one there, but then a second later, the invisible man made himself visible...well, as visible as you can be in a ski mask and a pile of papers and a mail bag on top.

"Where the hell did you come from...!?" You shrieked a little, but were really trying to overlap your sudden fright with anger.

"Facteur, your driving is equal to the devil's work..." He said, grumpily and nursing his head.

"I didn't know I had a stowaway..! You better explain yourself, cause I am not about to turn this box around!" You said a bit snappy. What can you say, you were frustrated, and this Frenchman wasn't making anything easier on you.

Spy's face however looked a bit more intimidating than your little irritated snap. You sort of felt like a chihuahua squaring up to a doberman with how he looked at you. You wait for the 'you dare speak to me like that' tone to come out in his speech, but the next thing you heard was a sigh followed by a shrug.

"To put it simply, you are getting too close and snooping around too much for a mailman. Not only is it unprofessional, but also is raised for concern." He spoke to you flatly.

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