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this one is for @sophlovesfood I think that was your username I'm sorry if I got it wrong!


being friends with JJ Maybank and not wanting to cuss is not a good mix or being friends with kids who run from police and have sex and drink and smoke all the time isn't a good mix either. But hey it was either them or being friends with all those girls who would rather talk about boys all the time and cause drama if someone wears the same shirt as them but I love my friends everyday is a adventure

"Y/n come here come smoke with me"

"No thanks JJ I am never getting High" I say

"Why not for a girl like you I would assume you would be down for it" jj replies

"And what is that supposed to mean" I say

"Like you're never in drama you don't care about nail polish or makeup" jj says

"Ok and your point is" I say

"You just seem like the type" he says

"Wow jj great description" I roll my eyes

"Thank you" he says with a proud smirk

I smack him on the head

"Sarcasm you idiot" I say

"Oh" he says with a frown

Ok so you might be wondering why am I being so mean to jj maybank ok so first off I don't think it would be called being mean it's just I like him ok actually scratch that I might be in love with him but I don't wanna admit my emotions so I cover them up with sarcasm


You know I've had a crush on Y/N for so long you might be wondering JJ LIKES Y/N?!? The girl never even touched weed she's never even swore before but she doesn't get obsessed over makeup or clothes she's up for adventure and that's the type of girl I'm looking for

"Ay yo John b come here" I say

"What do you need jj" he says

"I need your advice on how I get Y/N to go on a date with me" I say

"Oh yeah good luck with that the girl is the most sarcastic person I've ever met in my life she's also way to innocent for you" he says

"Wow thanks John b way to burst my bubble you bitch" I say

"There is a perfect example you had to say bitch in that sentence and Y/N would never even dare to say that" he says

"She's innocent I can work with that you know what they say innocent girls give you a good time" I say with a smirk

"Ok go try and give Y/N a hug right now" he says

"Ok watch me" I say

I walk out of big johns room and go outside to where Y/N is sitting

"Hey jj" she says

I don't say anything and just give her a hug
She's very confused and says this
"Ew jj get off of me you smell like weed"

"Wow so rude" I say

"Oh jj be quiet I'm telling the truth" shes says

There was a slight pause and then I just shout this out

"Go on a date with Me!" I say

When Those words came out of his mouth I froze

"Wha-" I had nothing else to say

"Wow blown away by my awesomeness" he says

"No jj I'm blown away about how dumb you have to be to ask me that" I say standing up

"Y/n wait don't leave" he grabs me by the wrist

"What jj" I ask

"Why are you walking away are you scared" he asks me

"No" I answer rather to quickly

He gives me a "you're not telling the truth" look

"I mean I don't know" I say

"Wanna talk about it" he asks

"Not really" I say

"Cmon it'll be good" he says

"Bonding time" he says

"Yeah more like torture time for me" I mumble

"HEY I HEARD THAT" he yells

I chuckle slightly

"Why are you so scared" he asks

"I don't know I honestly don't know how to put it into words I'm not really good with my emotions here so don't judge me it's just I guess I'm scared to admit my true feelings I'm scared to go into the relationship world what if they don't like me for me what if they don't want me for my personality what if they only want me for my body and sex so that's why I've never had sex or even had my first kiss" my face turns red omg I didn't mean to tell him that

"You've never had you're first kiss" he asks

"Yeah never" I answer scratching the back of my head

Then he kisses me I am there for 3 seconds and then I realize what's going on and I pull away he looks at me his face really red

"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that" he says

"You didn't mean to kiss me? What is that supposed to mean you have control over what your body does so you obviously moved your head" I say

"There we go with the sarcasm" he says

I laugh a little

"Y/n I didn't mean to I'm sorry" he says

I gave him a "really?" Look

"Ok Maybe I'm not sorry because I really enjoyed it but I'm not saying I enjoyed it because of your body I enjoyed it because I like you Y/N but I never thought you liked me back because you have never showed signs that you did" he says

Does the JJ MAYBANK really like me back?!?

"I like you to jj" I whisper

"What"'he says

"Yeah I do I was just so scared of admitting those feelings I covered them up with Sarcasm" I say slightly embarrassed

He smiles "Y/n I want to take you on a proper date and we can take this slow and you tell me if you're not ready for anything at all ok trust is the most important thing in a relationship"

"Jj since when did you get so wise" I say

He rolls his eyes and kisses me again

The end xx


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