Chapter 2

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The grey wolf left. I didn't watch him leave, just continued to run. I knew that Candace would be waiting for me back at the house. That's what she does. She always does. Though she won't be happy that she missed my human time. But there is always another night, I guess.

I sprint towards the small cabern in the forrest. I know that Candace will be there, waiting upon my return. Though I know she will also be disapointed in me. I don't want her unhappy, though. I sprint, my long legs stretching as far as they can, pounding on the soft dirt.

The clearing emerges, and I look at the wooden house. Candace is sitting in the moonlight, on the front veranda. Her long brown hair hangs to her waist, and her blue eyes sparkle in the light. She starts when she sees me, then recognision apears on her face.

"Where were you, Aala? I was worried about the hunt." Candace sighs. She looks down at the ground near my muddy paws. I hang my head down in shame, for making her worry. She knows that even as a wolf, my human feelings are just as strong. So she doesn't have to worry about getting something through my head.

Candace nods and stands. She walks over to me, a cloth in her hands. She dampens it in the water bucket by the side of the house, then walks over to me. I sit on the ground, the cold dirt seeping through my warm coat.

The cold cloth that Candace uses to clean my legs wets my fur. If I didn't know that Candace would let me sleep in the barn, I would run away and pounce on her. The only time that I like baths is when I'm human. And that is hardly ever, so I don't waste it with baths.

With the mud washed off, Candace ushers me into the barn. I slip silently into the room. The barn animal, a sleek black cat, looked up at me with black eyes. She didn't mind me, thought of me as her pack friend, or someone to look after her. Kali moved from her spot by the window and walks up to the hay bed that Candace made for both of us. In winter its really nice to cuddle up and keep each other warm.

Candace sighs and closes the huge door to the barn. The only way out for both me and Kali is to go through the window, though I can't fit through, so Kali would have to do that for me. The huge full moon outside shone through the window panes. I curled next to the small cat, my black coat blending into hers.

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