chapter three

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you felt light headed just by the thought of sitting next to a murderer, a murderer who just killed your boyfriend, what the fuck?!

"let me out right now! you fucking psychopath!" you whined, your palms creating sweat still banging on the window but no one seemed to notice your fear.
you looked over to him not noticing how you were driving into a woods, he smirked, keeping his eyes glued onto the road just as your boyfriend did.

"quit your whining." he said calmly, giving you a side eye. you looked forward just as you realised there was no way out of this, a rush of fear built up inside of you when you saw nothing but a bunch of trees, shit.

"where are you taking me?" you asked trying to calm down. all of a sudden the car came to a stop and he looked at you with that same killer look glazed over his eyes like he did when he murderer bf/n

"listen here sweetie," he said grabbing your chin tightly and pulling it closer to his face, "your going to do what i say, got it?" you nodded not sure if you should talk or not, "got it!" he shouted, making your ears ring, "got it.." you whispered back, he let go of you letting you fall back against the passenger seat.

"good girl." you couldn't help but cringe, you just felt so uneasy and faint but you couldn't dare to faint not having a clue what he'd do to you if you did go unconscious.
he pulled out a knife from the car pocket and held it up,
unfortunately you didn't bring your pocket knife like you'd normally bring for self-defence so you had none other then to go by what he says.

"if you don't follow my orders.. this is going straight into you, okay?" he grinned at you making you on the very last edge of becoming unconscious, he could tell you were about to pass seeing as you went very pale.

"okay..." you spoke, he gave you a blindfold and instructed you to put it on while he wrapped a napkin around your mouth and secured it with tape. "now don't even dare to run, because you will regret it...deeply." you nodded holding back your tears that were about to start leaking out.

he walked out of the car, walking around to the passenger door, your eyes glued tight on his every single move, a knife in one hand and the other free, you had just put on your blindfold, and your heart felt as if it was about to explode.

you had to follow his order's, right? other wise he'd kill you, right?

"get out." you stumble out tripping up on your feet, just about managing to stand up. you wasn't too sure if you should stay quite or say something seeing as he hasn't instructed you to talk.

you felt rope being tied around your fragile wrists, and you whimpered at the thought of death. "don't even try to scream, because no one will hear you.. not even a single soul."

and with that he grabbed the rope tied around your wrists and pulled you toward to follow him, you tripped over what you think was a log on the way and fell unconscious seeing as you couldn't remember anything else that had happened.

you woke up, in a dull lighted cold room, with very little lighting to be found, only the most slimiest windows.
you looked around for a second just to catch eyes with a small door but you were afraid to make any sudden movements, not yet anyway.

"well thank fuck your awake!" he shouted from the other side of the room, your breath hitched, while you watched him walking closer and closer, to your helpless body.

"no shit." you said giggling a bit, unfortunately he didn't take it as a joke, he took it more of an insult, "don't be smart with me young lady, do you know who your talking too!" he pounded, you look down onto your lap while your hands are tied to a metal pole.

"should i guess?" you smirked at him, still playing this game but you know he'd get tired of you soon. "what's your death wish?" he mumbles, you look up at him for a second leaving him chance to look back down at you.

"excuse me?" you ask in slight fear, you don't exactly have a death wish but you can't dare to tell him that,

"you heard me." he crouches down to your level, you were so desperate to get out of here, but you knew if you tried that you'd die, no matter what.

"so, y/n, what is your death wish?" you felt your whole body heat up in just a few seconds, he put his cold, bony hand up against your heated face,

"i-i uhm d-don't have a death wish..." you spilt out, you didn't mean too it was nervousness.
this made him laugh, as he stood up towering over you again.

"is that so?"
he stated, creeping around the room, before a minute he walked out of the cold empty room.

once you knew he had disappeared out of your sight, you started tugging on the rope that kept your hands tied together and looking around the room for the smallest bit advice on how you could escape.

before long, your eyes caught up with a white peice of paper with writing on it, small but loads, you grabbed it from behind and flipped it forwards.

uh oh...

a/n: hey guys!! chapters, 4,5 are coming out really soon, thank you for still reading it means a lot to me,
also sorry that this chapters quite small im making sure that 4 and 5 are going to be big, detailed chapters.
thank you!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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