Brandon+Me=adorable couple

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Me and Branson look like a couple right at this very moment because Brandon's arm is wrapped around me and is so close to be I can smell him and his deodorant.
The only reason he's next to me is I just broke my ankle by dancing. See,I was dancing around the cake at the party and somehow I broke my leg. Blood was bleeding from it and it felt twisted and scratched. It was very painful to watch myself go to the hospital and get a Neon orange cast with yellow neon markings on it.
The cast was already signed by Chloe and Zoey since they had come to the hospital with me to give me extra comfort.
Brandon had come too,Mackenzie had insisted that a broken leg wasn't that big of a emergency cause she got those all the time and never went to the hospital for it. I was like OMG! Mackenzie I will go to hospital with Brandon,Chloe,And Zoey. And she was like Fine whatever you want to do,Nikki. When we got to the hospital Brianna said she wanted something from the vending machines,couldn't Brianna see that I had just broke my
I was like No Way!!! And was like sure Sure Pumpkin Pie!
Why do little sisters always get their way?
Anyways the hospital people said I had a fracture in my leg which meant I didn't have a broken leg! Yessssss!!!!! But it did mean that I had a fracture in my leg which meant I had a couple or a lot of broken bones! Yikes!!!

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