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Edit: made in 2020.

Is this a dream?

You walk towards your school in Trolberg, as other children walk in with you from afar. This is your first day, as you recently moved, and looked up the legends about this town.
You can feel someone spying on you, she had a acne filled face, with silky blonde hair, and a pink scarf, and purple outfit. her black eyes glistened.
Finally a new target!
This is the Marra. She likes to do chaos, in exchange for secrets from such as the Rat King. and fear of students, such as David. They have a whole group of teenagers. You just have to not grow old and they won't get you.

she teleports in the door, as you sense a feeling, the wind? possibly. You walk in the school doors, as they suddenly halted to a close. Werid. But not surprised, as werid stuff HAS happened here. like the trolls, guess that's why they call it Trolberg, huh-
The girl from before was looking straight at you, with suddenly greener eyes than before.
"I am your nightmare. I am Marra, this is not Trolberg anymore."
As you had no say in things, you did not know really much how to defeat this girl. You looked her up though, but looked through it. One girl did but not you. She was Hilda.
But you are you. And not the blue haired girl.

"You're not real." You smile, as you know that's what the right thing to do would be, but still, she seems so beautiful. Sadly, not in a good way.
"No, but your kindness is. No weakness in you." The Marra said, with such a gaze. You both seemed innocent for quite a second. But.

You try to attack the Marra. It did not work, as she controlled your nightmare. and she came closer to you.
You try to run, but a black ring which was Marra that appears in front of you.
"You didn't think a simple human like you could defeat me, did you?"
You are trapped, and she comes close to you. her aura is all consuming. she is beautiful, yet evil.

You heard her green aura, like eyes, peaked into your eyes. Marra smirked. She pushed you. "Now, what's your worst fear?"

You frowned at her. "Being killed!"
You said, at the Marra who laughed. "Silly, I am not going to kill you"
"Then what?"
"Am I going to have to lie?"
"Sometimes necessities of the game!"
You stop, as you still her green eyes. You cannot lose. you are not ready to die.
"I'm afraid of being old."

"Old? Then why didn't you just say so." Marra said, as you suddenly turned old as her. You were a teenager, like her.
You looked at your deformed, not so younger body, and now, Marra kept looking at you with such darkness than before, like she was interested more.
"Well?! What do I do?" You said in a fit of rage.

Your marra looked at you.
"Well, we could play a game."
"Truth or Dare."
"We aren't allowed to do that!"
"Ohh, we're not allowed?" she said, as if it was the worst thing ever.

"You just- turned me old, and expecting me to join your stupid teenage game?! Turn me back!" You said, your face hot with anger, at the ghosted Marra.
"No. Truth or Dare?" The Marra said to you.
"T-Truth!" You said.
"No fair!" She said, pushing you. "You have to ask me."
"Fine!" You say.
"Truth or Dare, question."
"Which would you rather ask me, truth, or dare?"
"Uh... truth?"

"If I were, "nice." What would you do to me?"
Marra said to you, as seriously as possible as a teenage ghost can be. She wouldn't let you go, obviously. You're still a teenager!
You have to lie. Marra smirked at you.
"Are you lying? What would you do to me?"

You don't have an answer, and she is still smirking at you. Like, what is she doing? You can't think straight while she's smirking at you.
"You want to hang out~?" She said with a wink.

"No. not that kind of truth!" "I-I would never!"
You blushed and said as you pushed her, but you couldn't, as you phased through her, as she was still a ghost.
Marra laughed at you.
"It's not my fault you're gay. You couldn't resist."
"I'm NOT-!" you protested.
"Be quiet, or I'll tell everyone you touched me before my reaping, as a joke."

You thought about it as you thinked. You did push her, or attempted, not really touching as she IS a ghost.
Maybe she can turn you back to yourself! You just have to lie.
"Fine, I will be quiet! But turn me back. Please?"
You pleaded to the Marra as you didn't want this whole mess to be discovered.
Marra turns you back, and you sigh in relief.
"Sorry for that. I didn't realize I was still capable of it." You say to Marra.
Marra looks at you as if she's thinking something, but shuts up.

"What are you thinking?" You asked the Marra as she blushed. Marra turned her head to not look at you.
"Come on! Say it!" You said to her.
"It's nothing."
"Bullshit. Tell me!" You said with a threatening finger poke.
"Fine! I'm thinking... that we should hang out.. actually. I mean it!"
This response causes your eyes to widen.
"Thought so." You say.
"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing because- you're just fun to mess around. That's all!" The Marra said as she blushed.
"Uh huh." You smirked back at her.
"Is this still my nightmare?" You asked Marra.
"No, it is unbind." Marra said as she snapped her fingers.
"It's your daydream. To have a friend."
The Marra walked away to not pay attention to you, started muttering something in ghost language under her breath.
"Are you casting a spell?" You asked as she was muttering.
"Uh huh."
She liked you. As soon as she said those words, she regretted them.
"I'm serious!" The Marra said as she sighed.
"I want to be your friend too." You grabbed her hand, as you blushed. The Marra smirked.
"Yeah, you're about the same age as me. That hardly means anything." She said.
"Well sorry that I'm having fun, and not all of my lives have been miserable ones." You said as you let go of her hand.

You both laughed.
"Friends?" You asked her.
"Don't count on it" Marra said as she walked away, with a lover and a friend.
Yeah, right.
You won't be for long.
The end?

Hilda saw the news. Someone? Friends with a Marra?
They had to be stopped.
She held a leather belt as that can be used to defeat The Marra.
As she ran towards the school, and to the unknown.

Marra. (Hilda, Netflix.)Where stories live. Discover now