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Frida has a blue haired friend named Hilda. She might be in love with her. How does she get Hilda to see that? Simple, get her drunk, then make moves on her! Despite her strong will of never giving up on her pursuit of Hilda, she does have her softer side.

frida is walking with her friends, Hilda and David. The way Hilda looks makes her blush. Hilda is ranting about some magical potion she found. "And whoever drinks the potion says the truth!" Hilda says.
"It's funny because I tell the truth all the time." Frida says.
"Are you sure it works?" David asks.
"Well, I dunno it's a magic potion, so yeah."
"Fine, I'll try it." You say.
"What?! No!" Hilda says. "You have to be in the right mood!

"I am always in the right mood." Frida says blushing more.
"Not always.." Hilda concurs, thinking about their fight.
"Well today I am! Where's the potion?" Frida asks.
"In a cave, this book says. Let's find it!" David says and they run to their cave.

As you and Hilda walk to the cave, you don't have many worries, but you do have one concern.
"" you start to say, then stop.
"Yeah?" Hilda asks, looking at you. You tense up a little.

she drinks the potion too fast. Here goes nothing.
"I'm in love with you!" Frida says to Hilda. Her stomach twitching into dust. Her heart beating louder and louder. She blushed as she makes a squeaky noise like a mouse from her mouth.
"D-dear..." Hilda says, wanting to spit out the words, but unable to. She is shocked and tells David to slow down as he drives.
"I love you!" Frida exclaims again. Her body sweating like a pig being skinned.

frida squeaks again. She hiccups as if she was drunk.
"I'm in love with you Hilda. I'm sorry." She says to her.
"I'm in love with you too." Hilda says back to her, smiling.
A week goes buy, and your relationship with Hilda seems to be developing. You talk everyday, whether it's about classes, the weather, or just random stuff.

"Did the potion have any side effects?" Frida asked her. Hilda began: "yes you tell the truth all the time and make squeaky mouse noises if you lie."
"I haven't noticed that." They both laugh.
" still think I'm cute?" Hilda asks, blushing.
"Well yeah, but..." frida is cut off as you hear a squeaky noise coming from her. "Here we go....."

"I do think you're cute.." Frida begins. "But I'm cuter!" She breathes the truth out in relief as if it hurt keeping it in.
Hilda smirked at her.
"Yeah, you are." She said to Frida.
"Is that right?" frida says, smiling.
Hilda looks down a bit.
"Well....I think EVERYONE thinks you're pretty." She says shyly.
"Even David?"
"Even David." They both laugh.

they keep laughing.
"So, want to go on an adventure with me tomorrow?" Hilda asked.
Frida smiles. "Where off to next, Miss Adventurer?" She says to Hilda.
"Well, we're heading to the Haygarth Castle."
"Who's that?"
"A guy that knows about crypts and stuff."
"Oh really? What're we going to do there?"
"I don't know, but I'll probably find something.

they head off with David to the castle next morning.
They see the Marra there, and her mom?
She smirked, her green eyes growling at Frida.
Frida snarls at the Marra.
David looked afraid as this was the girl who gave him nightmares.
Hilda just stared in disbelief, who was she gonna harm there?
"So, you can go through if..." The Marra starts.
"Or you can go through if...." she continues, only to be interrupted by a squeaky noise coming from Frida

frida rolled her eyes.
"If what? My dignity was ruined?"
Hilda frowned at the Marra. "Don't hurt my Frida or else." She says to The Marra.
Marra twirled her hair as she smirked. "She's not the one you should be worried about." As suddenly as she said that, everyone started flying. The Marra chuckled and grabbed Hilda.
"Come on, little one. Let's play." She says in a sing-song voice.
She rose above them, slowly floating further and further away.

frida flew towards Marra and punched her in the face. The Marra punched her back as a fight broke out.
Marra didn't take kindly to being hit in the face and punched Frida back. Everyone started to fight, although David hid under his desk and began to cry, leaving Hilda and you to fight another creature.

they had a bunch of scratches and bruises. Hilda stood up.
"Why are you doing this..?" She asked the Marra.
"Doing what?" The Marra asks with a frown.
"You're following us around always, hitting us in the face and making us fly..." She says.
Marra laughed. "Following? You saw me and decidedly to punch. This is your fault."

"This was never our fault!." Frida yelled holding Hilda close.
Marra smiled. "Aw how cute. The gangs all here." She punched the already crying David.
"Except him. He's not." She said the setence she ended.
"Quit it Marra!" Hilda say.
"Quit it back yourself then."
Hilda sighs and walk over to Marra.

hilda lunches for Marra and she falls to the ground. "You're never going to win."
She rises back up and her eyes glow as she laughs.
Hilda opens her eyes. Frida is next to you kissing your cheek. What kind of nightmare is this? Usually the Marra sets up horrible ones.
"What do you want?" You ask.
"Why hello there. Isn't it wonderful out today?" She says.
"What do you want?" You ask again, although a little more demanding.
"Oh, nothing much. Just looking around.

frida winks at Hilda. As she was being possessed by Marra.
It is her.
It's horrible.
Hilda screams, "What are you doing to My Frida?" She asks Marra angrily.
Marra frowns and rolls her eyes. "Why hello there, Hilda."
Hilda lunches for Marra and she falls to the ground.
"W-What did you do to My Frida?"

"Nothing yet~ i think i May keep her as a vassal." Marra taunts. Hilda sobs, angrily launched out. "No you won't. I'll do anything, stop hurting everyone."
"Yes, anything. Please stop," she begs. Marra smiles, and approaches Hilda. Hilda begins to struggle, but is helpless to stop what's about to happen.
"Say please."

marra smirks at her.
"You did say please." She slaps Hilda. Hilda runs from her as Marra does.
"Marra! Help! Someone help!" You yell.
She does nothing, and walks away with a smile on her face.
"Ah the fun begins..."

some bikes hit Hilda. Her fear is that she gets strapped to one. The bike starts riding her. Hilda screams.
"That's right, scream like a little girl. Who's a good girl?
"Good girls don't run away."

she snapped her fingers as Hilda awakens as The Real Frida shaked her.
"Hilda! The Marra gave us nightmares again, are you okay?"
"Yes," Hilda replies, trying not cry again, and hugs you. "What happen?"
"We fought her. She's going to torment us for weeks."
"Who's us? I thought it was just you.

"Me and David has our nightmares too. I had one about you, and David had one about bugs." Frida says.
David cries. "Too many bugs..."
The Marra can be heard chuckling as her and mom fly away from the party as everyone is talking about their nightmares.
"Ha ha! The Marra is hilarious!" Hilda laughs.
"Yeah, David I'm sorry about all the bugs in your nightmare. David doesn't like bugs you know."
"I don='t like nightmares." David cries.

hilda hugs him.
"Now who wants to go home?" Frida asks
"Me!" Everyone said.
Everyone started leaving the castle.
"Well, David I'll see you tomorrow. Remember if you have a nightmare to wake me up."
"Okay! Goodbye, Hilda!"
"Goodbye David,"
You waved goodbye and saw David walking away to his house.

Frida gave Hilda a kiss as they both walked away.
"Frida!" Hilda blushes.
"Nothing. I love you."
"I love you too." Frida kisses her as Hilda wraps her arms around her.
They left the party and walked home, wondering if the Marra will come back again.
She never wins~

#hilda #netflix #blackgirls #blacklivesmatter

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