|13| 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 ✔︎

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" What?" Harper muttered in disbelief. This was some sick joke , it had to be but she knew Dinah and Dinah would never do something this twisted.

" Your brother is alive Harper." Dinah confirmed. " How, how do you know?" Harper gulped thinking of all possibilities as to how her brother could be alive, especially after missing for all these years.

When they told her he had never returned from school, and after months of searching, Harper gave up hope that she would see her big brother ever again. She believed that he had died.

" Credit card trail. A man by the name of Ryder Phoenix was spotted not far outside of Gotham a few days ago. We tracked his location, searched his file. It's him Harper...it's Ryder." That was all it took for her tears to fall. After all this time she thought he was gone. Now they found him, her brother.

" Listen Harper we think he knows about you. Cameras showed him outside your apartment. He barged in, breaking the door down looking for you, he has a dangerous track record. He was sent to juvie at sixteen and was charged with multiple accounts of assault. Harper you need to be careful. If he's looking for you, remember, he isn't the same boy when he was younger. He changed. Promise me you'll take care of yourself." Dinah pleaded.

Harper let out a shaky breath, her mind still trying to process everything. " Yeah, I will. Thanks Dinah." Harper whispered. " Anytime Harp" Dinah said before the line went dead.

Harper clutched her phone in her hand staring at the black screen. She took deep breaths trying to steady her breathing. Her mind was in a frenzy.

Her brother was alive.

She rubbed her temple before getting rid of any remnants that she had been crying.

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She walked back into the room seeing Dawn's hand on Dick's. She raised an eyebrow at the two before the door opened and slammed shut. " Well isn't this cozy" Hank said sarcastically walking up to them.

" We were just talking things through, okay?" Dick explained but Hank wasn't having any of it.

" Come and go, take what you want" he said. Harper made a move to grab his arm before a fight could break out between them. " Hank" she glared. He ripped his arm away from her, snapping his steely gaze to meet her hardened ones. " Don't touch me!" He hissed. That's all it took for Dick to step in front of her, trying to protect her from the rage that consumed Hank.

Rachel walked into the room seeing the commotion." Stop!" She yelled. Dawn and Harper stood on either side of her trying to remove her from the scene. " You want my girl now?" Hank taunted before he was shoved against the wall by Dick. " STOP!" Rachel roared, the glass around the group shattered, covering them in glass shards. They covered their heads trying to protect themselves.

" I'm sorry" Rachel whimpered after realising what she had done. No one made a move to stop her.

Harper winced as she pulled glass pieces out of her hair and arms. A piece of glass managed to embed itself into her forearm. Dick took notice of the girl clutching her wound as blood seeped down her skin and dripped onto the floor.

" Shit, Harper." He sighed moving towards the girl. He took her arm gingerly before guiding her to the bathroom." I'm fine Dick. Go check on Rachel." She insisted but he was too stubborn to listen. He grabbed the first aid kit, gently removing the glass and washing her wound. He patched her up before giving her a smile.

" There, all done." He whispered.

" Thanks" she muttered trying to ignore the lack of space between the two. " Who phoned?" He asked putting away the first aid kit.

" What?"

" You left, who phoned?" he repeated.

" Oh, it was just Dinah" she responded stiffly.

" What did she want?"

Harper contemplated if telling Dick about Ryder was a good idea but she went against it considering they had enough on their plate already. This was her problem, she wasn't about to involve anyone else.

" Nothing, she was just checking in" Harper lied. " C'mon let's go" She dragged him out of the bathroom before anymore questions could be asked.

 " C'mon let's go" She dragged him out of the bathroom before anymore questions could be asked

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