|ʙᴏɴᴜs| 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 ✔︎

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Dick laid on his pool floaty as sunglasses shielded his eyes from the hot California sun as he sipped on his beer.

" Daddy!" Two voices yelled as they rushed towards Dick. A little girl with curly brown hair and matching brown eyes jumped into the pool alongside a little boy with soft chestnut hair and hazel eyes. They splashed into the water as they knocked their father off of his floaty.

The two giggled as they tried to swim away from their father as they struggled to escape due to their life jackets.

" You're going to pay for that! You've disrupted the beast!" Dick yelled as the twins swam quicker towards the steps.

"There's no escape. Nothing can save you now!" The twins ran out of the pool and into the house. Dick chasing after them.

" Mummy!" The twins yelled as they hid behind their mother. " Save us!"

" Stay away from my babies you foul beast." Harper glared as she clutched her six year old twins. She was decorating the nursery as they prepared for their third baby when her twins and husband came barreling into the room sopping wet.

Dick pulled his wife into a kiss while his hand rested on her belly that was already as big as a watermelon.

" You're soaking wet" she giggled as the water dripped from his hair onto her nose.

Dick grabbed a towel as he dried off his son Johnny. Harper had grabbed another towel before sitting in the rocking chair, placing her eldest child, between the twins onto her lap. Harley would always tease her brother on how she was exactly three minutes older than him, something he took great offense too and would always deny.

Harley was a spitting image of Harper while Johnny was an exact replica of Dick. The twins had their parents personality; strong, stubborn, caring and loud.

They heard a chime coming from downstairs. The twins' faces broke into a grin as they bolted down the stairs. Harper laughed as Dick helped her stand up from the rocking chair, aiding her as she waddled down the stairs.

Dick sat down by the table as he picked up Harley and placed her on his lap. Harper sat next to her husband as she balanced Johnny on her knee.

Dick opened the laptop as Gar and Rachel's faces popped onto the screen.

" Hey animals." Harper called.

Rachel waved at the two before staring at the twins." There's our favourite mischief makers."

The twins greeted the pair with bright smiles and missing teeth. " We're mostly calling for the twins. Did you get the gifts we sent?" Rachel exclaimed as she smiled at the kids.

" Yes, they absolutely love it." Dick chuckled. The college students shared a grin as Johnny showed off his stuffed tiger and Harley placed her stuffed raven in front of the lens.

" They don't go anywhere without it." Harper chuckled as she readjusted Johnny on her lap.

" Everything okay at college?" Dick asked curiously.

" Yeah, nah, things are great. We're four weeks in and Rachel hasn't been expelled yet so..."

" Oh yeah, and Gar hasn't been to class so..."

The couple chuckled at the twos bickering.

" You guys are doing great. We're really proud." Dick told them sincerely. They had grown up to become amazing kids.

" Hey, um. I know maybe it's a little early but it's getting very cold in Chicago. Maybe we could come visit you guys for Thanksgiving?" The twins shared joyous looks before pleading with their parents.

" You guys don't need to ask for permission. You're more than welcome anytime." Harper said as the twins shared equal grins as they jumped for joy.

" Miss you guys."

" Miss you too. But mostly the twins." Gar smirked as another call interrupted them.

Harper's eyes sparkled as she saw her brother on the other end of the line. Dick smiled seeing his brother in law.

" Ryder" Harper grinned. He smiled as his dark raven curls fell over his eyes. His lips were pulled into a smirk as his hazel eyes flickered between the twins.

" Well if it isn't my little sister and her annoying husband. But my word did I miss my little trouble makers." he chuckled as Harper rolled her eyes.

" Uncle Ry!" The twins yelled as they cheered.

" My daredevils. I hope you're causing trouble in the house."

" Don't encourage them " Harper scolded as the twins jumped off their laps and ran to the playroom.

" Anyway. How are you Harper? One month left. You guys find out the gender yet?" He asked.

" We wanted to find out on the day, for now, we're satisfied on the unknown."

" How's everything back in Star City. Oliver and Dinah doing okay?" Dick asked his brother in law.

The raven haired man chuckled. " They're good. Everything's okay back here. It ain't no Cali but, it'll do." Ryder said.

The adults laughed as they continued to chat for hours.

Dick smiled seeing the smile Harper adorned on her face as she talked animatedly to her brother.

It was a dream come true. Everything he could ever want was right in front of him. Harper as his wife, beautiful children, her brother that was in her life and the job of being crime fighters was long behind them. Dick had finally found his happily ever after. He was finally as happy as he could be.

Too bad his little fantasy had to come to an end.

Too bad his little fantasy had to come to an end

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