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" All right guys, listen up. We're all in one piece ,more or less. We need to figure out where we stand and determine what's mission critical." Dick spoke to the group. Rachel was lying on the bed while Harper and Gar were sharing a pizza Dick had picked up from this Edder's restaurant.

" Mission critical?" Rachel questioned, taking a bite out of her slice.

" Is that a cop thing? Sounds like a cop thing." Gar questioned, his hand reached for the last slice of pizza before it was rudely smacked away.   

" Mine" Harper hissed grabbing the last slice before happily munching on all its cheesy goodness. The green haired teen narrowed his eyes at her while gently rubbing his hand.

"I've had some combat training when I was younger." He answered Rachel, giving the brunette a knowing look.

She just snorted in response.

" I'm sorry, you were referring to we ?" Kory decided to speak up for the first time since they had arrived.

We as of right now are a group of people who share a common enemy." He commented glancing at the group.

" Which makes us what?" Harper said, " A team?"

"Let's call it an alliance. One born of mutual need" He nodded. She could tell he was growing annoyed by the constant questions, his patience wearing thin.

" And what is that?" Kory sassed from her position on the wall.

" Please say something stupid like staying alive." Harper murmured.

" To stay alive." He told them. Harper chuckled, mentally high fiving herself in the process.

" Look, we have no idea how long we have until they find us" He said, but Gar was quicker. " You just said they. Who are they? What do they want?" He panicked. She could tell he was  anxious, scared even. Dick and her were used to this, the constant looking over your shoulder and being on the run. But Rachel and Gar were kids, they didn't know how to handle these types of situations. They were roped up into a mess that continued to get bigger as time progressed. They didn't deserve this, and Harper was going to make damn sure neither one of them were going to get hurt.

" We don’t know who they are, but they want me." Rachel sighed. She knew she was putting them all in danger yet they still continued to help her. She didn't know what she would do if any of them got hurt, especially if it was because of her.

" It's because of her...abilities." Harper answered a bit hesitantly.

" The people that attacked us fought in unison. They were perfectly coordinated, we're not. We can't fight like that unless we learn each others moves." Dick said glancing at all of them.

Harper let out a scoff. " Great, we're all bloody inspired." She mocked.

" And how do you suggest we do that?" Kory snided.

" We stick together" He started before Harper suddenly stood up facing them with a bright grin on her face.

“ We’re going to train, people.”


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