---Chapter 1---

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(Check Out my newest FNIA Book Btw : D It's better then this on in some ways)

---Shawn Pov---

          I woke to the sound of birds chirping and cicada's making their noises outside. I sat up rubbing my eyes gently. I glared over to my calendar and seen today was Saturday. I felt cheerfully knowing it wasn't a school day. I glared over to my alarm clock. "12:33 PM" I got out of bed and got ready for the day. made my bed took a shower brushed my teeth put clean clothes on and headed down stairs when I was done. "About time you woke up." My sister complained as I sat down beside her on the couch. "Don't even start. I hear this plenty enough from mom to be hearing it from you." I told her unamused. She just giggled at that. "Well she has a point. Your never gonna keep a job when you sleep so long into the day." She explained in a teasing voice. I sighed into my hand facepalming. simply hearing an lecture from just about anyone is annoying as it is. But hearing it from my own sister makes it all the more annoying. "You know she's right" She added before dropping the subject and returning to watching Cartoon network. which I eventually joined in on that. 

         "You know she's gonna ground you if you don't start helping her with the bills around here." She said breaking are silence. "Since when did she say that?" I asked as this was the first I'd heard this. "I over heard her rambling about it to herself when she was making dinner yesterday." She answered casually. "How does she expect me to help with the bills? All I got is 20 dollars and a couple cents." I asked annoyedly. "That's simple. Get a Job make money and help pay the bills." She explained. "Why don't you get a job!? I don't see you doing to much to help around here any." I Asked her annoyed. "Bro... I'm 13 your 16. No where is hiring 13 year old's stupid. Don't you know that?" She explained making me feel dumb which I was having a brain fart I suppose. I just sighed running my fingers through my hair putting my hair back. *Knocking at door* I jumped over the back of the couch before She could get up to beat me their. "I got it" I said as I did. "Dang it. You never let me answer the door." She complained. "Because you always scare people off when you do answer the door." I explained being honest with her about it. "An you don't?" She teased. 

        "Shut up" I said unamused as I opened the door. "Yo you still coming to the Anime Convention? They got the hole Dragon ball Super Broly movie playing in the anime room today." Matthew My friend from school asked me. (obviously he was who was at the day) "Oh yeah. "Hey Hanna! I'm going to the Anime Convention. Behave okay!" I yelled to my sister. "Ight get out my house." She teased. "You wish it was yours." I said as I walked outside grabbing my boots from the corner of the doorway while I walked out. I shut the door and put my boots on outside. "You got your money to get in?" Aron who had tagged alone with Matthew which was also another one of my school friends. Had asked.

     "Sure do. What about you guys?" I asked as we all began walking to the Anime Convention. "You know it!" Matthew said taking out a twenty dollar bill. "Yeah" Aron also said taking a twenty out his pocket as well. I took mine out my back pocket and they smiled. "This is gonna be awesome! I've been dying to see the Super Broly movie for weeks now! Can't wait to finally see it!" Matthew said excitedly. Possibly being the most excited out of the three of us right now. I couldn't help but smile seeing just how excited he was. "Hey... Aron... did you ever watch the rest of Dragon Ball Super? Or did you forget again last night?" I asked Aron. "No I forgot again." Aron answered embarrassed. "Dang we need to remind you tonight so you can get caught up." I explained.

         "Honestly though. you'll LOVE the tournament of power Arc. The hole thing is just fight after fight. It's a masterpiece." Matthew explained to Aron. "So I've heard" Aron said before we all went silent. it got awkward because we all couldn't think of anything else more to talk about. "Sooo... Shawn... have you ever actually been to the Anime Convention?" Aron asked me to break the silence and spark another conversation. "I can't say that I have." I answered honestly. "Really? Well I'm sure you'll like it. Theirs a arcade room full of... well arcade games. A room with a stage with 3 animatronics... of well... Questionable Looks for a child friendly establishment. A room with two Coves. Which are basically two mini stages with curtains. One's out of order though which is a shame. IT was my favorite one before they closed it. Theirs also a party room. They got this animatronic that has balloons that looks SCARILY like a human. An of course theirs a prize room where you turn in tickets you earn from the Arcade games in for a prize...An the most important room of all! The anime room. Basically a theater where you can go watch Anime in." Aron explained. 

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