Surving in the wild

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Hey y'all I got a two chapters in one day special for you I was bored and have nothing to do so I'm gonna update this more 🙂

In the middle of the night

Scarlet: "hears something"

Aztec: " sleeping"

Scarlet slowly gets up

Scarlet: what was that

Scarlet walks to the noise

Just then a pack of wolves surrounds scarlet

Scarlet: AZTEC

Aztec bolts up from hearing scarlet

Aztec kicks one of the wolves but gets surrounded

Aztec: great

Scarlet: Aztec what are we gonna do

Just then some of the wolves jump on Aztec


Scarlet jumps over the wolves hitting some of them and runs into the woods

Aztec kicks the wolves and gets them off of him then stomps some of them after about 20 minutes of this the wolves give up and run away with there tails between there legs


Aztec looks behind him to see he has a few miner scratches from the wolves

Aztec : wait we're scarlet


Scarlets POV

When Aztec told me to run I did and I did as fast as I could but now I'm lost I don't no where I am me and Aztec where at the edge of horse lands property so I might have ran out of it because I have never seen this part of the woods before and I would have known it if I was in horseland because me and Sara rode in everycorner of horseland god I miss Sara

Scarlet looks around and hears something coming

Scarlet: oh no

Just then Aztec runs though the trees

Scarlet : AZTEC

Out of scarlets POV

Scarlet: AZTEC


They run to each other

Aztec: oh thank god I found you your almost out of horseland property

Scarlet: that's what I thought

Aztec sees a spot we're they can sleep for the rest of The night

Aztec: how about we stay there tonight

Scarlet: good idea

Then they walk to the place we're there gonna be staying for the rest of the night

Hope you guys enjoyed I tried to make this one longer and I did by a little bit well I'll see you in the next chapter

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