August 2010 😢

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He left, just like that . No trying to work it out and for what? How can you just throw away 9 years of marriage just like that? How do you just walk away and give up on someone who loves you and break up a family?

I know I have done wrong and have anger issues and did things that I should not have done. I know I hurt him in ways that I could never make up for, but did it really have to come to this? 

He knows that I would never hurt the children, but he took them anyway, which I feel was a punishment towards me. He is punishing me for the things I did. I am beginning to honestly believe that. I am at my wits end, i just want my family back together. 

I have begged and pleading for him to come back, I apologized for all of it, but he won't listen. He has already moved on to someone new, the shocking part is that its a member of my own family. 

So not only has he betrayed me so has this family member. I don't understand what kind of person stands in the way of their family member trying to work out their marriage? What kind of person is that? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!

Trying to wrap my head around what is going on is tiring and not healthy, I have loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, nightmares when I do sleep, and thoughts of them constantly together and if it was going on behind my back while she was visiting up here. 

Why didn't I see it, or was I in denial that it was happening? Had I really lost him to her and why couldn't hold onto my husband? I am so angry with him, her and myself. I let my marriage slip right through my fingers along with my children. What person have I become?

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