Chapter Fifteen: Deviltry & Brusied Limbs

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Clover aka Tilly, July 1978

"Dear diary,

It's been a while. A whole week to be exact. I've been incredibly bored, Freddie and the guys has been doing interviews, different events/parties. I wanted to join them, but decided that I needed some time off alcohol. Which ended with me, looking at old tv shows with a bottle of wine, few nights. So much for staying away from alcohol. One thing I miss about 2019, the shows. All my favourite movies, I couldn't see them anymore. It's all a part of the history. Or part of the future? I don't even know what to say anymore. I have been avoiding Freddie because of our little.. Incident in the bathtub. Let's just say, I've never felt that good in my life, and I'm freaked out by it. How come he gets to be the one causing me to feel that way? Honestly, it drives me nuts. Anyways, I got to spend some time with Dom, she's really funny and a strong woman, no wonder Roger fell in love with her. Being in this environment, has fucked me up a lot, as much as I enjoy the 70s and being around bloody Queen almost 24/7, it's been hard. Hard for my mind but also hard for my body. I've been drinking too much and eaten too little. If this was 2019, I would've been thrilled, but it's quite concerning. My cheeks are starting to be hollow and the little stomach I had, is pretty much gone now. My thighs are however as big as always, funny how I never can lose weight there. A wall of text once again, my apologies. I have a date with Alfred tonight, but I haven't told Freddie yet. Maybe I shouldn't? I'm not sure, I'll give you an update later.

I turned my phone off and hid it beneath the floor once again, with all my other future stuff.

With heavy steps, I walked downstairs and decided to chill with the cats. Jerry as always, were already on my lap before I even got to sit down.

"You're amazing, you know that Jerry? I don't know what I'd have done without you" I whispered as he started purring. "Be careful with your claws, I'm going out tonight and I would appreciate if you didn't mess up my thighs again, the cuts are just starting to disappear" I laughed and pulled my shorts down.

He meowed and rubbed his head against my belly. "You're the only man for me here, Jerry" I murmured and felt a bit sad. As much as I love Jerry and how much he loves me, I miss Oscar. That little rascal thinking he can sleep on my bed, when I'm not home, the way he jumps up and down at me when I come home from events.

I sighed and and looked at the clock on the wall by the piano. An hour until Alfred comes and picks me up, hopefully Freddie won't be home until later.

The second I had that thought, the door opened and in walked Freddie and John. I greeted them and walked back upstairs while slurring out a few "fuck's" and "shit's".

I had to get ready since it takes at least 30 minutes to apply the makeup and I had to figure out what to wear. 

Sitting down at the table, I started applying some foundation after I turned the radio on. To my surprise, 'how deep is your love' started playing. I sang along as I did my makeup. This song must be one of my all time favourites, from the 70s.

I zoned out a bit while doing the makeup, and didn't snap out of it until Freddie was now standing beside me, tapping me on my shoulder.

"Huh" I mumbled and looked up.

"Nice face," Freddie laughed at my half done face and I just rolled my eyes, "good you're getting ready, we're going out and I'm taking you with us" he announced and leaned up against the wardrobe. I started to panic a bit, now he basically forced me to tell him.

"Uh, that sounds great and all but uh.." I mumbled and looked away.


"I'm going out. Alone." I announced and continued with my makeup, as if he wasn't there.

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