Welcome Gohin (Gohin's Pov)

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I was gazing out the window while Akira was listening to her music on her iPod while read a book. We've been on a train for almost two hours, traveling to Akira's home in a small town. I had already read my medical book and I glanced down at Akira who was really into her book.

I poked her and she pushed my hand away, not even looking at me. I did it again and she pinched my hand. I poked Akira one last time and she looked up at me. She took out one of her ear buds so she could hear me. "What is it?" Her voice sounded annoyed as she huffed. I stared at her and I sighed. "When are we going to get there?" Akira put her book away and looked out the window. "Hmm... Actually we're about to arrive. Get up! Get up! Now!" The train stopped and Akira grabbed her bags and I grabbed mine. When we got out of the train, Akira started running up the steps.

"Akira!" When I got out of there I could sees a lot of trees around. "Okay... not use to this." Akira poked me as she noticed my strange disposition. "Yeah it's different from the city, I remembered that feeling when I was just a little girl when I went to Cherryton city for awhile after middle school, up until I graduated high school that is, spent a few years here, then went back to the city for college." I was confused at her saying that and she laughed, Akira turned to me smiling as she grabbed my hand. "Akira!" I glanced around and no one paid us any mind which I thought was weird.

Once we were down a street Akira continued pull me down it until we stopped at her house. "You didn't have to pull me!" Akira bounced up and down in front of the house energetically. "I'm guessing we're here?" I smirked as dropped her bags ready to run to the door.

Before she could even take a single the door flew open and a small gray squirrel ran out of the house, Akira was tackled to the ground, she squealed in joy as the little squirrel who wore black shorts and a green t shirt hugged her. "Oh Shukuen, I missed you and your sister, so, so much!"

I heard the door open again and saw a large male red wolf. He had two scars above his left eyes and two across his right eye. The red wolf's small blue irises and his tall demeanor towered over mine by an inch. He wore a white dress shirt with a gray apron over it with jeans along with a black slippers on his feet. "So this is the Gohin you've talked so much about?" I smirked looking at Akira as she went red in the face. "Dad! Stop!" I took notice Shukuen laughed at this before Akira stood up holding the child. "Where's Mist?" I blinked a few times before looking at Akira's father before he answered. "She's probably with your mother." He turned around and beckoned us to come follow him.

Once inside I saw a small red squirrel reading a book on the couch quietly as we walked in. She looked up and smiled at us before getting up. "I'm Akane, Akira's mother and you've met my husband Mizuki." I looked back over to him and her so confused. "The real question is are they in-love or is it all about hunting instincts?" Akira nudged me and I snapped out of it. "Gohin come on, we're going to be staying in my old room."

I followed her up the stairs and saw a little glimpse of red run into another room. "That must be Mist." I stared in that direction unsure. "Gohin, honey are you okay?" I turned towards the room and walked inside, sitting the bags down and I then glanced out the door. "I thought I saw something red." Akira's eyes lit a up and looked out into the hallway. "That's Mist, my first born. Oh she's so precious, but since after the incident three years ago she hasn't quite trusted anyone except my father really, especially carnivores... she kind of developed a fear of them." I nodded understanding what probably happened, I left well-enough alone and went inside to get settled in with Akira.

I grew curious and walked around to get the layout of the house. I wandered into the kitchen seeing Akira's mother sitting on the stool in the kitchen eating a strawberry parfait. Akane's mother smiled at me. "Do you want some, there's more in the fridge Mizuki made plenty." I shook my head. "No, I was just wandering, thank you anyways Akane." She laughed waving me off. "Don't need to be so formal. Just call me mom, you're practically family to us anyways." Akira mother hopped and waved me over.

I followed her to the living room as she went to the bookshelf. "Speaking of which, Akira hasn't showed you any of her childhood pictures yet right?" She grabbed a book, opening it to reveal many pictures of Akira as a baby. "Akira was a tiny baby despite her height, she born the size of a baby squirrel, she barley fit in Mizuki's hands." Akira pointed to a picture of Akira and she wasn't lying, she was tiny. "I thought Mizuki's was going to break down crying because she was so tiny, I took me and three nurses to get him to hold her. Once we got him too, he wouldn't let anyone else hold her, she had to eat baby formula for about three weeks until he'd let me hold her again." I sweat dropped hearing that. "That's kind of over-kill." Akane nodded smiling. "Yeah, but I couldn't blame him seeing how small Akira was made him terrified and all the nurses coming in and out passing her around didn't help things. Besides if I'd ask to hold her he would've let me, but Mizuki wanted to keep her close to him so I let him."

I sweat dropped before Akane pointed to another picture of Akira, where she was sleeping on Mizuki's chest as a toddler. "Mizuki and Akira were thick as thieves back when she was small, he took her everywhere with him and would spoil her constantly." I sighed understanding Akira's demanding behavior. "Now I understand the reason she acts the way she does, he dotted on her too much and spoiled her. That's why she's a pain!" Akane laughed nervously closing the book. "Yeah, but you'll understand when you have girls. They're so cute you just want to spoil them, it was a sad day when she left for junior high in Cherryton city."

I watched her smiled fade into a slight frown. "I'm surprised you both let you her leave home that early." Akane shook her head. "Well it wasn't by choice, you see here in this town they only have up to elementary school education, they don't have junior high or high schools here. So most parents and families like us had to send them away to a city that's about two hours away. So Akira spent most of her time in a dorm due to how much she got bullied."

Akane suddenly slapped both sides of her face which startled me. She turned to me smiling at me. "You know what, there's no use moping about the past, here in the present is the best thing to think of." I nodded slightly. "I think I know where Akira gets her crazy." Akane patted my back before hopping off the couch. "I don't have to worry anymore like the old days, because now she got you looking after her, please keeping being there for her. I know she isn't the most well put together or sophisticated person, but she's good at heart." I smiled agreeing with her. "Thanks ma'am, I know what you mean. I will." I immediately got flicked in the forehead by Akane. "What did I say?" I instantly remembered as I rubbed my forehead. "Sorry mom." Akane smiling walking in the kitchen.

I sighed walking out back seeing Akira with her dad Mizuki tending to the garden. Akira looked over and saw me. I smiled at her waving slightly at her. "Hey Gohin! We're making dinner tonight from our fresh veggies, I swear you never tried anything like this ever!"

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