Something more

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I walked into the living room looking around for a book I needed for my assignment and saw a bookshelf with some books on information on medicine. Since Gohin had gone to the store I decided to to snoop around to find what I needed. I jumped hearing growling from down stairs and I remembered he told me not to go down there since he's in the middle of treating a patient. I ignored it and looked back at the book shelf. "Oh he's got a lot of medical books out here too, I wonder if the book I need is out here somewhere... I hope it is because it's going to take me forever in that damn library of his."

I walked over and ended up tripping over the same familiar box again. "Ow, huh?" I sat up seeing the box tipped over with magazines spilling out of it. "Oh these things again." I sat the box back up and I felt my face heat up a little as I put them back in the box neatly. What shocked me was the newest adult book he had to this collection for his patients. I picked it up feeling my body heat up at the cover. It was a picture of a squirrel/canine hybrid covering her breasts with her arm. I know he didn't have that last time! I hesitantly opened it up and saw an image of the hybrid touching her chest and I could felt myself feel disgusted at myself for even opening it. "I'm back!" I heard the front door open and close. I jolted up and the magazine a cross the room.

I ran up stairs and into the bathroom. "W-Why?! H-How can a guy have that much of- of that?! I know they're for his patients but that other one was new and... and!" I turned on the shower shaking away those thoughts in my brain and I began unwrapping the bandages from my body.

I heard the bathroom door open and saw Gohin carrying the magazine I was holding up earlier. I gripped the long shirt he was wearing as my body heated up just by looking at the cover. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Bringing that in here, especially when I'm in here!" Gohin walked in and I blushed backing up as he continued to walk forward. "You've been through my stuff again, next time you go through something make sure you put everything back, so care to explain?" I gulped nervously as my back hit the glass door of the shower. "I-I was looking thorough your medical books and I tripped over the box and they fell out... and I put those disgusting things back."

Gohin smirked putting the book down and got closer to me till my back hit the bathroom wall, cornering me as he put his hand on both sides of the wall near my head. I didn't look at him as I felt my body heat up. He turned my head in his direction and I flushed a deep read. "Don't be so quick to make assumptions, they're not for me. They're for my patients remember? The ones that can't tell the different between love and hunting instincts towards a different member not of their species." I pointed towards that magazine he sat on the counter and he laughed. "That's the reason I told you to stay out the basement right now, a new patient of mine is feeling some type of way towards a girl who's a coyote/squirrel hybrid and luckily there's some hybrids like that out there so I ordered him that canine/rodent hybrid magazine." I felt embarrassment wash over me after hearing all of this and I remembered the growling from down stairs making my eyes go wide. "I'm going to get me a drink since tomorrow's my day off but before I do that I'm moving that patient to a hospital room tonight." I nodded and he left me to take my shower taking the magazine with him.

After my shower I got out and made my way down stairs to see Gohin drinking a beer. I scowled at the stench and grabbed a medical book from the shelf. I kept getting the feeling of someone watching me, I peaked over from my book to see Gohin staring at me. "Gohin? You okay?" Gohin blushed taking another sip from his drink. I put my book down and stared at him. "Are you drunk?" Gohin sighed looking back at me. "No, I can't get drunk off of one beer, besides I never drink that much." I nodded at his answer and I still couldn't help but wonder why he was staring. "Okay, why are you staring at me!?" Gohin blushed putting his drink down. "Listen Mint I'm just going to be blunt about it... I can see your panties, your breasts made the shirt rise up when you reached for that book you have there." I looked down at my chest seeing the shirt rolled up at my chest and my panties in plain view. I dropped the book and pulled the shirt down as my face imitated the color of a cherry red tomato. "Sorry!"

Gohin stood up with a sly smirk making his way over to me making my body freeze for a second. He made his way over to me on the couch. He sat down beside me, I squeaked as he pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me." Gohin whispered in my ear making me flinch. "N-No! It was an accident!" I felt his breath on my neck making me blush. "Is he going to do something or what?!" I felt my body heat up at his sudden action. I shut my eyes in anticipation and waited.

That was until I opened my eyes from hearing him hearing him chuckle. I immediately felt pain on my head and he wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me there. I saw him smirking above me with a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. It was a trap! "You bastard, you planned this from the very moment I came out here." He flashed his fangs at me confirming my theory. I screamed as he continued to disinfect the area before moving onto the other wounds before bandaging them up. When he finished wrapping my injuries I darted to the stairs with the hair on my tail standing up. Gohin chuckled as he lit up a cigarette. "Don't be a baby, would you rather die from infection?" I pouted as I made my way up to the bedroom.

I climbed into the bed angrily since he deceived me like that. Although I had to admit it was genius to pretend to flirt with me after knowing how flustered I was after seeing all of those magazines. Soon enough I fell asleep snuggling against my pillow. I stretched feeling some shift the weight in the bed. I opened my eyes and seen it was Gohin climbing into bed beside me. I closed my eyes after he got under the covers and giving of his body heat. I sighed contently feeling the new found warmth and I moved closer in response to it. I felt Gohin tense up a little bit before his body slowly started relaxing. I nearly jumped when I felt him wrap one of his arms around me and pulled me even closer to his body.

2nd Chance at love? [Gouhin X Oc Reader] - Beastars FanficWhere stories live. Discover now