Chapter 11: The Wolf House

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Hello there once again! Two uploads in a week. Bet you didn't expect that. 

Before you start reading, this is quite important. One thing I didn't like in the books about Camp Jupiter was that the praetor is their leader. However in the Roman Republic and Empire the highest post (aside from emperor) was consul and praetors were judges. So: praetor in books = consul here. I might include praetors, but I'm not sure yet. Enjoy!


"Well, we must leave. I think you will have enough to discuss. Until next time, my Lord." Orin said after which he and Mera headed for the door.

"It was nice to meet you, my Prince", Tula said to Percy.

"Just Percy. And it was nice to meet you too", he said. Tula smiled and went to join Orin and Mera.

"Will you actually come to Poseidonis?" she asked as she stopped and turned around.

"I will. I promise."

"I'll hold you up that promise, Percy", she said. 

Percy's POV

"Where are we?" Percy asked Triton. 

"The Wolf House", a different voice said. Percy turned around and saw a giant wolf with dark-grey fur and grey eyes. 

"Lady Lupa. It's good to see you again", Triton said as he turned around. Lupa walked towards the two and slowly transformed into a tall woman with long grey hair and grey eyes. 

"Why so polite, my dearest Triton?" Lupa asked while she put a hand on Triton's cheek. 

"I do have a wife, Lupa", Triton said as he took Lupa's hand of his face. 

"So does your father, but he doesn't seem to care does he? And you didn't either last time", Lupa responded with a smile. She turned to Percy. "It has been a long time since I've had a child of Neptune here. What's your name, young one?" 

"Perseus Jackson, my Lady", Percy said. Lupa hummed and walked around Percy. 

"Perseus. Greek. The Destroyer. I can see lots of potential in this one. Although, I do have a question dearest Triton. Why isn't he with the Greeks?" 

"He will be. He is both Greek and Roman", Triton said. 

"Ah, so he is the child of the Prophecy, is he not? Interesting. Very interesting", Lupa said as she kept pacing around Percy. 

"He could be the bridge between the two camps", Triton said. 

"Could. It is risky, I would have to speak to Chiron about it. You know what happened last time we tried", Lupa said. She kept walking around Percy until she spoke up. 

"I will train him. But he must tell absolutely no one about the other camp. Will you swear on the Styx not to tell anyone, who doesn't know, about the other camp Perseus?" Lupa asked Percy. 

"I swear it on the river Styx", Percy said, followed a rumble of thunder. 

"Well dearest Triton, if you're of no use to me, you can leave so I can concentrate on training your brother", Lupa told Triton. 

"I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?" Triton asked. 

"No, and definitely not near Perseus", Lupa said with a smile. Triton looked at Percy who tried, and failed, to hide his laughter. Triton sighed and teleported away. 

"Well, now your brother has left we will start your training." 

*timeskip* (I'm too lazy to write the training)

Lupa's POV (bet you didn't expect that)

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering", Lupa said. "Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood." As the Iris message became clearer, the centaur came into view. 

"Lupa, It has been a while since I've spoken to you", Chiron said. 

"It has indeed." 

"It must be important then, if you're willing to contact me", Chiron said. 

"It is indeed. Recently a boy has come here to the Wolf House, a son of Neptune. He was accompanied by Triton who claimed that the boy was both Greek and Roman", Lupa said. 

"The child of the Prophecy", Chiron said with surprise. "How old is he?"

"About ten I believe", Lupa said. 

"So we have six years until Kronos returns", Chiron said. 

"He will be necessary at Camp Half-Blood for the prophecy, so I'm reluctant to send him to Camp Jupiter. Plus, you know the Roman's dislike for Neptune", Lupa said. "What do you think?"

"As long as he doesn't tell anyone about the other camp until the time is right, it should be alright." 

"Good. He has lots of potential and I wouldn't want all the honour for that to go to you", Lupa said with a smile. Chiron chuckled and swiped through the Iris message. 


Percy's POV

"I must say Perseus, you have impressed me. Unlike many others you do not lack the discipline or determination to join the legion", Lupa said. 

"Thank you, my Lady", Percy said. Lupa smiled and looked around. 

"We have a lurker", she said. "I know you're there dear Triton. You better come out now or I'll come find you." Triton appeared from behind one of the walls of the Wolf House. 

"I wasn't lurking", he said. 

"What were you doing then?" Lupa asked. 

"Waiting..." Triton said. Lupa raised her eyebrows. "Alright, I have something to give to Percy." 

"There, it wasn't that difficult now, was it?" 

"Oh shut up", Triton said as he walked over to Percy. 

"Father wanted you to have this", he said as he handed Percy a golden pen. Percy looked confused at Triton. 

"Press the button three times", Triton said. As Percy pressed the button a magnificent golden trident appeared. 

"Imperial gold, the Roman metal, mixed with some mortal metals in case the legacies at Camp Jupiter get too annoying. It will change size according to it's wielder", Triton said. "It's name is Tridens." Lupa laughed. 

"You named a trident the Latin for trident? How original..." she said amused. 

"The name needs some working on, but thank you Triton", Percy said. Triton huffed. 

"There's nothing wrong with that name", he said before teleporting away. 

"Now your brother is gone, you can begin your final task: going to Camp Jupiter."


"Go to Camp Jupiter, they said. It will be fun, they said", Percy mumbled as he ran away from a cyclops. He reached a ditch and turned around. As the cyclops came closer, Percy raised the water and slammed it into the cyclops, who fell to the ground. Percy walked over, took out his new trident and stabbed the cyclops, which turned into dust. 

"I know you're watching Lupa! I hope you're enjoying this", he shouted before he continued towards Camp Jupiter. 

"It can't be far now", Percy said to himself. 

"No, you're close. Follow the water and you will get there. But stay alert", Lupa said in Percy's head. Percy went completely quiet and listened. He could hear a faint noise, quickly coming closer. It sounded like a snake, but bigger and more. Percy's eyes widened. 


Cliffhanger! Don't worry, I'll upload the next part soon. Bye!

Perseus Jackson: quarter Greek, quarter Roman, half WizardWhere stories live. Discover now