Good morning 🌄

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Alarm being heard, Haejin open one of her eyes, hands reaching to shut it off. After turning the alarm off, Haejin about to fall asleep again.

-Babe, wake up~

Hearing the voice, Haejin smile and open both her eyes, seeing her boyfriend looking straight into her eyes.

-Hey... Good morning...

Haejin snuggle into her boyfriend arm, don't want to wake up yet.

-Wait... No good morning for me?

Haejin chuckles hearing her boyfriend words.

-No good morning for you until I decided to wake up and have a good mor-

Before she could finish her sentence, her boyfriend already kiss her lips.

-isn't that a good morning enough?

-Yeah... This is a good morning...

Haejin smile ear to ear while kissing her boyfriend again, not even planning to get up. The kiss last for a minute.

-Okay, babe we have to get up. Or you gonna be late for your shift.

Hearing the words, Haejin plops down to the bed again.

-But Jeno i don't want to go~

Haejin whined. Jeno could just chuckled at his girlfriend childish side.

Jeno lay back down too, but this time on top of Haejin.

-Well who's idea that morning shift is a good idea?

Haejin scruch her nose.

-But i want to lay down with you more...

Haejin said while pouting.

-No... You can't... You have to get up before you're late.  you don't want to be punished right?

-By you?

Haejin said with cheeky smile on her face.

-Jung haejin. I'm serious.

-Aish... I really hate this side of you.

Haejin look around the room, while jeno is still staring at her face.

-Wait. I can get a day off!

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows.

-Since when that you know that day off exist?

Jeno said, remembering that his girlfriend never take a day off from anything and always work hard.

-Jeno... I'm not dumb...

-Okay... But isn't it too late to ask for a day off when your shift is going to start in a few hours?

-Nope. Nothing never late for me.

Haejin push Jeno aside and get up, making Jeno scoffed. She grab the phone at the night stand, scrolling through the contacts for her manager number.

After a few minutes, there's a big smile on her face. She turn back to Jeno who's playing with his phone, one of his hand behind his head.

Haejin put down her phone, grabbing Jeno phone out of his hand, also putting it on the nightstand.


Jeno couldn't finish his word because the girl already kiss him. Jeno snuck his hand around Haejin waist, turning her around, and now he's on top of her.

-You got a day off?

-Yes i did! Oh my god, I'm so proud and excited because this is the first time i ask for a day off!

-And i really-

Jeno smile, seeing his girlfriend being excited for little things always a cute thing to him. He really like- NO love his girlfriend that at the point where he's willing to give up everything for her.
He left his family to live with her, he ignore his friends to give all the attention to Haejin. He really love her.
Jeno start to lean in. He didn't hear Haejin words anymore, they become faint to him. Haejin stop talking seeing that Jeno is not even focusing and start leaning in. He kiss her, slowly. Hands around her waist while her hands around his neck. They both enjoy the moment until.

-Oh my god! I didn't feed nana yet!

Haejin quickly get up, again pushing her boyfriend aside. Running towards the room beside their's.

-You really just push your boyfriend away for a rabbit?

Jeno said, leaning on the door frame, looking at Haejin who's feeding her pet.

-Hey, he's not just a rabbit . He's a special rabbit

Haejin glare at Jeno. Jeno shake his head, sitting down beside Haejin.

-Why did you name it nana when it's actually a male?

-I don't know. I just like the name.

Haejin said, looking down at her rabbit who's eating.

-Whatever. As long as you're happy babe.

Jeno give Haejin a peck at the lips, standing up and walk towards the door.

-What do you want for breakfast? I will make them.


-Babe... We talk about this... Tteokbokki is not healthy to have for your breakfast.

-Says the one that eat ramen for breakfast.

Haejin mumbled, looking at her nana.
-What did you say?

-Er-Nothing. Then just make anything that you think is healthy. I will eat them.

Jeno nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Leaving Haejin with the pet.

I bet you're handsome if you become a human nana...

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