Who Are You?

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Haejin slowly open her eyes, seeing the couch infront of her. And a pair of arms around her waist that is probably Jeno's.

After watching a movie together, both of them fall asleep on the couch. Haejin turned around, wanted to faced Jeno. But something unexpected happens.


It's not Jeno who's been hugging her but insted a shirtless guy that she haven't meet before in her life.

Haejin push the guy away making him fall down from the couch.

-Ow! Haejin what's wrong with you?

-What's wrong with you?! Who are you?!

Haejin said, obliviously. Then she start thinking, did she just cheated behind Jeno with some random guy.

-J-Jeno? Jeno! Babe!

Haejin shout while looking around the living room.

-Jeno not here.

The mysterious guy reply.

-Oh, so that is how you get in here?
-wait... Did you raped me?!

Haejin looked under the blanket that have been cover her up this entire time. Seeing she still have her cloth on.

-No Haejin, i would never do that to you. I promise.

-No dude. Who are you? And where's my boyfriend?

Haejin wanted to grab her phone but it's behind that guy, on top of the coffe table.

-I'm nana!

The guy said, proudly. Haejin widened her eyes.

-YoU'rE NanA?!

-No...You can't be... Nana is my rabbit. And even if it is your name, that's a girl name!

-Well i don't know... You're the one that named me!

-Dude what are you talking about?! Are you high?

Nana just raised both his shoulder.

-Do you remember that you said if I'm a human i would probably be handsome? Well it come true! Do you like it?

The guy smile, and his smile? Did look like how a rabbit would smile

-Oh... I'm fucked up.

-Hey... Don't say that...

Haejin look at her hands for awhile then look back up again, but this time her eyes is not on her rabbit human anymore, insted it's eyeing his body.

For a rabbit to have that kind of body, really break the record.

Nana snap his finger infront of Haejin face, making her snap out of her bubble.

-Uuu... I can do that..

Nana said, looking at his hand.


-What are you thinking about Haejin-ah?

-Nothing... Look. I don't know what to call you. But you really need a shirt.

Haejin get up from the couch, walking towards her shared bedroom with Jeno, with Nana following from behind.

-Are you sure you're not drunk or...high? Aren't you one of Jeno friend?

-Haejin it's me! Nana! Your special rabbit?

Haejin quickly grab one of jeno shirt, throwing it to nana.

-How could you have a pants but not a shirt?

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