Headaches to Heartaches

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The pizza place turned out to be closed, and I could tell Dick was disappointed, so I did something I knew I wasn't supposed to. What was one more mistake?

"Come on," I said, looking both ways before crossing the street to where a man was standing next to a skyscraper, looking down at a clipboard. A window washing elevator was stationed next to him, the door opened and practically begging me to hop on. I leaned over to Dick, lowering my voice as we approached him, "follow my lead."

He gave me a suspicious look, but didn't say anything as I plastered on a worried expression.

"Excuse me, sir," I said, and he looked over, "can you help me please?"

He frowned, "Are you all right? What do you need?"

"A—" I sniffled, tears escaping my eyes, "A guy just came by and stole my — my wallet. He went that way."

I pointed to an alley nearby, and the man looked ready to be a hero, nodding.

"I'll go find him. Stay right here, okay?" He nodded at me and then Dick, who had just been standing idly by throughout the whole ordeal.

"Thank you so much." I wiped at my tears and smiled, watching as he disappeared behind the building before turning to Dick with a sudden grin, "Let's go."

"Let's go where?" He asked, though I answered him by rushing onto the elevator and beckoning to him. His eyes widened.

"What, are you crazy?" He lowered his voice as he looked around us.

"Maybe." I shrugged, "But I'd say we have about a minute and a half before that man comes back and realizes I sent him on a wild goose chase, and I'm not sure how fast this thing moves, so."

I raised a questioning eyebrow as I put out my hand for him to grab, watching his conflicted expression.

"We have class," he said as a final pathetic excuse, and I snickered.

"Get on the elevator, Dick."

A grin broke out onto his face, and he grabbed my hand, letting me help him inside before I started pressing all of the buttons.

"One of these has to do somethi—perfect," I said happily as we began moving upward, turning to Dick, who had been staring at me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he shrugged and looked away.

"Nothing." He stared at the ground as it got further away, "You're just so — woah!"

I grasped the railing when the whole elevator shook, and Dick did the same as we were sent upwards at a faster pace. We began picking up speed, going up the skyscraper a lot quicker than a window wiper should. The ground fell away beneath us, the air whipping our hair back, and I shared a look with Dick.

"Is this supposed to happen?" He asked over the wind, and I began slamming the buttons next to me again.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no," I grumbled as nothing helped, looking up at where the elevator would stop. We still hadn't slowed down, and the roof was fast approaching, making the gears in my head turn. At this speed, a stop would send us both flying, likely off the edge. I had little time to think, but I knew one thing, and that was that I had to make sure Dick was safe. Even though this incident was hardly controllable, I felt responsible, just like Friday.

So once we hit the top, and we both crashed upwards, I grabbed Dick's hand when he went over the edge, using my momentum to swing him behind me and back onto the elevator as I went flying. I was airborne for a moment, my fingers lightly brushing the railing I was sent over, making me believe I was really doomed.

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