Chapter 10: I Forgive You

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*Lauren's POV*
I woke up lying on Jacob's chest. He must be have laid down after I fell asleep.

I tried getting up but failed miserably. Jacob had his arm gripped tightly around my waist.

"Babe, wake up." I mumbled to him.

All I got out of him was a groan.

"If you don't get your lazy ass up, you are gonna get slapped."

He jolted up and screamed 'I'm up!'

"Finally. We need to go before Dylan starts worrying." I started standing up when he pulled me back down.

"No I want to cuddle."

"Babe we can cuddle when we get home."



We both got up and we intertwined our fingers. We started walking to his car which wasn't that far.

He opened the passenger door for me and once I got in he closed it. He got in the car and buckled up. So did I.

He put the key in the ignition and started up the car.

I was still really tired so I leaned my head on the window and quickly fell asleep.

"You're so stupid, I hate you!" Jacob, Alana, and Jack all screamed at me.

I started crying and soon I felt like I couldn't breathe. My boyfriend and my best friends hate me. For a stupid reason.

"You're an ugly cunt! I don't even know why I dated you!" Jacob screamed and then slapped me repeatedly.

Jack pushed him aside and I thought he was saving me from getting slapped anymore. No instead he pushed me up against the wall and kicked and slapped me as hard as he could.

I couldn't bare it anymore.

I felt like I was dying.

I couldn't breathe.

The walls felt like they were closing in on me.

Jacob and Jack repeatedly beat me and then that's when Alana joined in.

I felt my blood in my mouth and running down the side of my face.

I screamed as loud as I could for help.

"Lauren, babe get up." I felt Jacob shaking me.

I jolted up and started panting.

"We're back at your house. Are you okay you started screaming in your sleep?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said but honestly I'm not fine. I felt like that dream was true.

"Well come on. Let's get you in the house." I jumped out of the car and up the stairs to my house. I unlocked the door and the first thing I see when I walk in is Dylan crying.

"Dyl? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I said starting to worry. He never shows emotion or even cries.

"I'm fine I guess." He said. I knew he wasn't fine.

I turned to Jacob, "can you give us a second? I'll be in my room soon."

Jacob nodded and kissed me. He walked up the stairs and I couldn't help but smile at how lucky I am to have an amazing boyfriend.

"Dyl, what's wrong seriously? You never show emotion." I said and sat down beside him.

"I just miss us talking. Yeah, I know I screwed up but I miss my sister and best friend."

"Dylan. You did screw up big time but you know I can't be mad at you forever."

"So you forgive me?"

"Yes, but if you screw up one more time, that's it." I said and laughed.

"I promise I won't screw up. I can't afford to loose you too." He said and got up and hugged me. I hugged him back and soon after we pulled apart.

"Well I guess I should get upstairs with Jacob before he freaks out." I said and laughed once again.

"Go get him tiger." Dylan said.

I started walking up the stairs before Dylan said something to me.

"By the way you guys are adorable together but if he hurts you, he will get killed." Dylan says and winks at me.

"Don't think that will happen!" I yelled while still walking up the stairs.

I walk into my room to see Jacob on my laptop. He has my laptop on the bed so I jump on his lap.

"Well hello to you to babe." He says and winks.

"Hiiiii." I say and lay my head on his chest.

I just start thinking about how lucky I am to have an amazing, loving, and caring boyfriend. I smile at the thought.
Two updates in one day?!? Woah! Anyways I hope you all liked this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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