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Sons of Dutch - Mini series pt 19

Title: Derailed

Author: TC

Fandom: Red dead redemption 2

Pairing: Arthur & Micah brothers/Friends/enemies/lovers

Rating: 14A

Summary: Train robbery gone wrong

Notes: Last part until the final!


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The gun went off with a loud bang, followed by a smoke like substance as the gunpowder residue settled onto Arthur's sleeve. The bullet ripped through the lawmen's chest and down he went. His horse dragged the man along the tracks, the metal still hot to touch as the train roared across the rails.

Arthur Morgan's gaze fixed on the surviving lawman as they rode and chased behind the train in a desperate attempt to catch up to them. Arthur stood on the last coach of the train where the guard would usually stand. Gun ready and aimed as Arthur attempted to keep the lawman back. Arthur struggled to shoot the men as his attempt to keep the law away was for naught as they chased to no avail.

"Get this thing goin' faster Lenny!!" Arthur cried in a desperate huff.

Lenny, the designated driver. Throwing as much wood as he could into the engine as he stoked the coal. It was the most difficult task for the youngest man to partake. Making sure the train kept moving no matter what happens or what goes on behind him in the other coaches. Least that's what Micah told him, who was partnered with Dutch with passenger control as the two stealed from the people and the cargo coaches.

Arthur shot down another lawmen coming a bit too close to the train, his horse rearing up throwing the rider under the train, if the bullet didn't kill him the steel against metal would. Morgan laughed in amusement as he reloaded his gun.

Before the young outlaw could gun down another doomed soul, his gaze was met with the sheriff, eyes widened as Arthur just caught sight of the rope before it tightened around his body causing the man to drop his rifle. "Ahh shit.." The sheriff who roped Arthur laughed and slowed his horse to a halt. Then with his full strength pulled the rope making Arthur squeal before he fell off the train, gasping for air as his body hit the rails, bruising his side as he got knocked out for a few seconds. Opening his eyes Arthur called out to Micah as the lawmen laughed and taunted.

Lenny heard the gunfire grow suspiciously quiet from behind the speeding train. But the youngest thought little of it. The cowboy took a moment to look back and check on Dutch and Micah, turning away for only a moment. But when his gaze averted to the front of the train, an odd shape blocked the tracks ahead.

Squinting he could make out little details. But the object was coming up fast as the train continued to pick up speed. Once closer, Lenny saw it. Eyes widened as he ran to the second coach in a panic. "Dutch!! Duuttch! We got trouble Dutch! Horse and wagon up on the tracks! I think it's filled with dynamite!" Weiled Lenny as he desperately ran across the coaches in a panicked huff to search for Dutch. Unknowing that Arthur was brought to his knees.

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