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Miracle's POV

I keep muttering incoherent words under my breath as I made my way downstairs

"Remind me why do I need to transfer" I grumbled grumpily at my dad

"Its our school sweety, you need to transfer and know the kids that go there" My dad answered still not taking His gray eyes from the iPad he's holding

I grumbled curses under my breath and made my way to the kitchen where mom is quietly enjoying her meal

"Nice uniform" my mom commented and gave me a soft smile, I stared at my black skirt that reach 1 inch above my knee, white silky blouse with 10 buttons the logo of the school on the side, my black blazer with the school logo, ankle length socks and 1 inch black heels. I rolled my eyes and grab a granola bar then head out with my bag, Keys and wallet in hand. I walk to my black Range Rover and drive my way to my new school

When I arrive to school, student head turns and made an effort to see through the tainted window, I rolled my eyes and parked in a free parking space. I stayed in the car for a while and took a deep breath, I made my face emotionless and cold then got out

Right leg out

Left leg out

Right arm grab the door then slid out with grace

Dramatic, I know

I slung my back pack on one shoulder and made my way inside my parent's school, all the way students keep whispering not so quietly and some even have the audacity to point at me

"Is she the new student"

"Damn she's hot"

"I heard she's a Vernessa"

"What ! That's insane"

"Yeah the Vernessa have gray eyes not icy blue"

"Not all, Katy Vernessa have blue eyes"

"She's Vernessa by marriage not blood"

"She must have it from her"

Wow people here can't mind their own business

I headed to the office to get my schedule, locker code and number and the school map, Once I got it I head toward my first class which I'm 5 minutes late

I didn't bother going to my locker, its not like I'll pay attention or need my textbooks I already knew the lesson, I studied all of the lesson in the summer so I can ditch without worrying about homework

When I arrive all of their attention was on me but I ignored them and hand the teacher a paper the lady behind the wooden ask me to give to every teacher I have. He signed and returned it to me, he's face showed fear, he cleared his throat and face his class

"Class this is your new classmate, Please introduce yourself" he said as calmly as possible but his voice still waver

"Miracle Grace Destiny Vernessa, 18" I replied shortly, my voice void of any emotion

The class was dead silent, I think no one even breath, their faces has one emotion


I sat at the back with out the teachers permission and plug my ear buds to Tune the teacher and the rest of the world out


The rest of morning  went on without any drama and before I knew it, its lunch time

I walked in the canteen and all of their attention was on me but they weren't quite its the exact opposite, they were glancing in my direction every few seconds and whispering not so quietly

I ignored them like they don't exist and went in line to grab some food, I just grab 5 chocolate brownies with chocolate filling

And sat in an empty table at the back of the cafeteria, ignoring them and plug my ear buds and blast My Demons by Night core

I quietly eat my brownies and the day went on, full of whispering, glances, pointing and fear sculpted faced classmates

Amazing day

Note the sarcasm

I walk towards my car and drove home


The next day is pretty much the same except when I was walking towards my parking lot to go home and leave the hell hole, A very intoxicating scent hit me

Mate ! Mate is here !
The sound of my wolfs giddy voice made stop dead on my tracks

I know the school was infested with werewolves, human, warlocks, and witches but I'm the only one that can tell all of them apart but the whole school thinks I'm human but in truth I was far from it

"Mate" A husky deep sexy growl was heard, I turned around to see who it was and in front of me stand A guy about my age with sea green eyes, auburn hair he was attractive and muscular, it was obvious he was a wolf by his scent but I have to act dumb or else my secret is expose

"Excuse me" I ask with no  emotion to the handsome werewolf in front of me

Go to mate !

Shut up ! If I reveal ourselves he will find us and kill us

I hissed at Heaven (my wolf) she whimpered knowing I'm right

Hurt flash through his eyes and stumble back like he was slapped

"I know your a wolf, you can't deny it" I showed no emotion and continued to stare at his beautiful features

How is it possible Heaven

He's our mate he can know no matter how we hide our scent

Fuck !

"And" I drag, he looked furious that I wasn't talking to him with respect, must be an Alpha

"You know what ! I don't need a Luna like you !" He spat, it stung but I didn't show it, he continued when I wouldn't reply

"I, Alpha Kyle Bloodbound Reject you. .." I rolled my eyes even though I wanted to cry 

"Miracle Grace" I answered for him, he looked hurt that I wasn't stopping him but instead urging him, but I can't or else he'll suffer with me, I can't protect him from him, I can only protect mom and dad and just because their humans and doesn't know my  secrets, demons are not allowed to hurt humans

"I, Alpha Kyle Bloodbound Future Alpha of the Dark Forest Pack reject you Miracle Grace as my mate" he's voice broke in the end, he turned away and ran

I got I'm my car and let the tears flow

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