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Miracle's POV

When I arrived at New York, I called a Taxi to take me to the nearest motel

I try to spend as littlest money from the credit cards

After I check in and settled inside my room

I surrendered into the dark abyss

The Next Day

When I woke up it was already noon .

I took a shower and dressed in blue skinny jeans, black crop top with 'Laugh your ass off while your young' on it, a light blue motorcycle jacket finished with a Jordan

After I was ready I went on a search hoping I would find her

"Her name is Leanna, she will help you" my mother said in a soft tone

"Where would I find her" my mom glanced at dad before facing me again

"You can't find her, she would find you" I looked at her, confused

"How ?" My mom smiled 

"Time will tell" My dad said softly

How will she find me in the streets of New York

I walked to a coffee shop to get something to eat

I walked in and scan my eyes around the place taking in its light chocolate brown walls, dark brown table and brown leather plush seats. I made my way to the counter and ordered 5 brownies, 3 cinnamon roll, 2 chocolate buns and 2 chocolate frappe

I walked to an empty booth and made my self comfortable while waiting for my order

I take my phone out, casually scrolling through social media

Once my order arrived, I ate quietly while looking at my social media friends post

When I was in my second frappe, a lady dressed in a dress sat across from my booth, I looked at her, she was beautiful I give her that with black orbs and brown hair sporting a tattoo on her wrist

"How may I help you" I ask her politely, finishing my frappe

"I'm here to help you" I gave her a confused look which she just chuckled

"I'm Leanne, nice to meet you Miracle" I stared at her wide eyed, a grin broke out on my face

"How are you going to help me" I asked her cautiously

"Let's talk at my place where its more private" I nodded and follow her out

She led me to an alley which is a dead end, I want to ask her what were doing her but she pressed a brick, the center of the wall moved, it was a door, Leanne entered, I followed with hesitation, behind the brick door was a mansion, a huge one at that, the front yard was a beautiful garden filled with different kind of exotic flowers, herbs and plants

When we entered she led me to a room full of books and different kind of test tubes, colorful liquids and some weird language I haven't seen before was engraved on the door

"What is this" I asked her, she just grabbed my hand and lead me to a couch

Once we were comfortable she started to speak

"Do you know what you are" I was cut off guard at her question

"A half breed,  half angel half werewolf" I answered her

"Right so do you know the different kind of angels" I frowned and shake my head as a 'no'

"The angels are divided by the color of their wings, each color having different kind of blessed abilities" I nodded as a sign I'm listening

"Angel with green wings are blessed with the ability to heal and take care of plants, river kinda like nature angels. Angels with brown wings are blessed with the powers of protecting nature. Angels with black wings are blessed with the ability of giving dreams, nightmare and warnings sometimes visiting you in your sleep. Angels with light blue wings have the ability of controlling the weather. Angels that have dark blue can control any kinds of liquid. Angels with red wings can produce and control fire. Angels with gray wings are given the ability of skills and perfect swordsmanship its purpose are to protect, Angels with white wings have the power of light" I  look at her dumbfounded, I didn't know they were so many kinds of angels but what confused me is she didn't mention  an angel with white wings with black tips of every feather

"But what about me" Leanne look at me

"What about you" Leanne stood up looking for some kind of book

"You didn't mention and angel that has white wings with black tips of every feather" Leanne dropped the book she's holding looking at me with wide eyes and agape mouth 

"W-what" she cleared her throat and pick the book back flipping the pages "Can you show me your wings" I nodded and take a deep breath

I called my angel soul, her name is Elise she mostly is quiet only talked when needed

"Come fort my angel" I called to her bringing her forward

"Of course my human" her sweet angelic voice answered me

The familiar heat and blinding light engulf me whole, the transformation only last for 5 seconds

When the light was gone, my vision was sharper than in my werewolf, my senses was more heightened in this than in werewolf form 

Leanne POV

I gasp, as far as I know when angels transform they just reveal their wings not like this, a blinding light don't require it and change of clothes, her beautiful icy blue eyes was no where, she have no pupils, her hair is long it touch the ground and her outfit was replaced with a very silky dress the front of the skirt reach above the knee and the back part of the skirt was spread on the floor it was backless and her wings, it was like no other I have ever seen before, it was mainly white but the tips of every feather was black

She was the first angel to have 2 colors on her wings and her wings were a lot bigger than the normal wings angels have

She was THE ONE

THE ONE that will save us all

THE ONE that will battle the demons who wants to rule earth

THE ONE that will lead us

THE ONE that will protect us

THE ONE that will guide us

THE ONE  that will rule us


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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