Sleeping Pills

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A/N: For this one you can just imagine anyone you like. I didn't put names so imagine yourself and your bias or whoever you want. Anything is fine. Just don't forget to comment and vote. XD


Sleep was never kind to him. It never comes when he needed it the most.

After hours of twisting and turning he finally gave up. It will be morning in a while and he hadn't slept for even a second. It happens almost every day and he couldn't seem to get used to it.

He decided to leave the confinement of his room. It always makes him feel trapped and had always been a reminder that he was alone. Ever since he could remember, he never had a family he could call his own. Other people would have pictures of their loved-ones posted on their walls but not him. He only have a wall clock (the ticking makes him crazy and the clock tells him how time flies so slowly specially when he did nothing but lie in bed all night) and a few other paintings he decided to hang on the wall just so it wouldn't look dull. Besides the psychiatrist insisted it would help with the depression and eventually the insomnia. They had been hanging on his wall for almost two months now but apparently it wasn't much of a help.

He went to the park like he usually does when he couldn't sleep. It was deserted since it was still early in the morning and the sun is yet to rise. Sunrise wasn't really his favourite part of the day. When you're able to witness it every single day you'll get tired of it eventually.

The breeze was too cold for his taste. He wrapped his jacket tighter around his body seeking some more warmth.

He saw the bench where he usually lay down. It had been her personal place for quite a while. He went over and lay down with his arms as his pillow. Perfect.

The sound of the chirping birds lulls him to sleep. His eye lids were starting to get heavy until finally sleep took over. He slept for sometime just to be woken up by someone poking his cheeks.

When he opened his eyes he saw a girl smiling at him as if poking a sleeping person on the cheeks is the most normal thing in the world. He stretched out his arms before sitting up. He checked his watch and realized he only slept for 30mins. Not enough even for an insomniac like himself. The shortest time he slept in a day was an hour. He just broke his record.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"I was wondering what colour were your eyes." He should be mad at the girl for waking him up from his precious sleep just to know the colour of his eyes but surprisingly he wasn't a bit angry.

"What colour are they?"

"How could you not even know that?"

Of course he knows. He always thinks they were the ugly shade of brown. "They're dark brown," he told her to make her know that he knows.

"It's the colour of chocolates. I love chocolates."

She didn't exactly say 'I love you'. 'Your eyes are the colour of chocolates and I love chocolates' does not really equates to 'I love you'. However for some weird reason he wanted to think that's what she said.

The following night he couldn't sleep again. He went to the park and sleep for an hour or so just to be woken up again by a voice of someone. Maybe next time he should sleep on the forest instead of a park. There are just too many annoying people who like disturbing a sleeping person.

"Are you awake?" she wasn't speaking too loud but being the light sleeper that he was, he woke up immediately. The moment he opened his eyes he saw the smiling face of the same girl he met yesterday. For a moment, he forgot he was about to curse whoever it was who disturbed his slumber.

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