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three years later..

Haven was now three years old. Since Spencer had gotten her to say, momma.  Haven had been doing everything earlier for her age group. Haven started crawling when she was 4 and half months, she started trying to walk at five months and was fully walking around Five and half months. Haven as she started talking more and more as she aged she was only three years old but had a vast vocabulary which they all had Spencer to thank for that. Haven was definitely smart for her age Haven loved reading book with her parents and her uncle Spencer, but most importantly her big brother. Haven didn't understand why her parents were always gone but she loved it because she got to hangout with her big brother who she absolutely adored. She was always by his side, if you couldn't find Haven she was probably in Henry's room with him reading a book, or when he had this weekends with his father She would sleep in his room until he was back. When she couldn't be with her brother as he was with his father while on cases with the rare occasions he stayed with His little sister, Haven loved spending time with her Cousins Emilie, who was named after Emily after they all thought she was dead and she was the daughter of Penelope and Derek, she also have Veronica Who was Elle's and Spence's daughter But her favorite person to hangout with when she could was Joslyn, she is the daughter of Hotch and Beth. But now since you're caught up with the last three years let's get on with the chapter.


JJ had heard Haven crying from her room, which caused her to roll out of bed but being careful enough to not wake Emily. JJ wondered off towards Haven's room as she saw her sitting up with her skin being ghostly pale, JJ had sat on the end of Haven's bed before she moved closer to her.

"Hey Angel, what's wrong?" JJ asked Haven as she scooped her up into her arms.

"I don't feel good; Mommy," Haven told her, as Haven rested her head on JJ's chest. JJ had put the back of her hand towards her daughter's forehead , as she told her it felt a little warm.  JJ Got up with Haven still in her arms and wandered towards the bathroom as she pulled out the thermometer. Haven's temperature was a little above normal. JJ had gotten her some baby Ibuprofen with some water from the bathroom. They walked back to Haven's room as JJ layers back in Haven's bed with her and stayed with her until she fell back asleep. JJ walked back to her shared room with Emily to see was awake and told her what was going on with their daughter as they both fell back asleep.

Another hour had gone by as JJ was woken up by the sound of Haven crying again. JJ had started getting up as she had woken up Emily, she told her to go back to sleep. As JJ walked back towards to Haven's room, she checked her temperature again to see it had gone up again. JJ didn't know what do so she did what she knew what would help, Haven fall back asleep. She stayed and cuddle with her and told her favorite story before she knew it She was back asleep. JJ had slowly gotten up being careful not to wake up Haven, as she shut her bedroom door. As She saw Emily standing in the doorway of their room

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