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Looking up, she spots an angry looking blond. The man is covered head to toe in grass stains and dirt. His hands are cupped together as if he's holding something. Well, this should be exciting.

"Can I help you?"

Wordlessly the blond bounds over to the counter and gently drops a frog on the desk. "This li'l fucker has been sittin' outside my apartment all week. Hasn't moved a fuckin' inch in days."

Tsuyu reaches into a drawer to produce sterilized gloves before she touches the frog. Silently, she examines it. She can feel the blond watching her from the other side of the desk as she quietly assesses the health of the amphibian.

"Traditionally," she begins, "examinations aren't supposed to happen like this." She flips the frog onto its back. Finding what she is looking for, Tsuyu flips it back over gently. "But you seem like you've been through hell and back, so we can break a few rules."

Tsuyu looks at the blond again. His face is pulled into an extremely severe expression, but even with such an terrifying face, she can still tell that he's almost ethereally attractive. It's too bad that he looks like he loves to roll around in dirt for a living.

"He has a bad case of Spring Disease. It's very common, but also deadly." Tsuyu reaches under the counter and produces an amphibian cage.

The blond looks irritated. "So he's gonna die?"

"No," Tsuyu responds while lifting the frog into the cage. "A cocktail of antibiotics is all he needs. You caught it early enough." Tsuyu gently pats the cage that the amphibian is now housed and looks to the man. "I'll put in the order for the antibiotics tonight. It'll be ready for him by tomorrow. Once he's stabilized and not a health risk, he'll be able to be placed with the other frogs waiting for release." She smiles at him. "Good job, most people wouldn't have noticed him until it was too late."

The man shrugs. "Most people are dipshits."

Tsuyu laughs conspiratorially. "Do you want to be called when he's feeling better? You can come visit him."

The blond pauses in thought for a moment. "Yeah, why not? Might as well see the fruits of my labor." Tsuyu resists a laugh.

"Okay. Name and phone number."

"Bakugou Katsuki. 09017901357."

Tsuyu records this information on one of the papers on her desk. "Bakugou... Cute name." She looks up to see Bakugou's face pink and wrinkled in disgust.

"Ain't nothing cute about me," Bakugou answers. Tsuyu rolls her eyes in amusement. Guys like this are so predictable.

"Yeah, not right now," she teases. "What's going on?"

Bakugou blushes a fiercer pink. "Don't fuckin' make fun of me."

"A very mature request."

"Fuck off." Tsuyu laughs at the terse remark. "I was working with some explosive material and the shit blew up in my face." Tsuyu must look worried because he quickly adds, "happens all the time."

"That's reassuring."

"I can tell you're being a smartass. Anyways, I would've went to the animal sanctuary closest to my apartment so I could shower first, but those JSPCA fuckers keep shuttin' everyone down and your place was an hour away. Couldn't risk takin' a long time without knowing what that li'l fucker was sick with." Tsuyu smiles at the blond's sense of duty.

"That's nice, Bakugou," Tsuyu pats the frog's cage again affectionately. "I'm glad you dropped him off here. He's probably going to be the last frog we'll take in before we close." She smiles weakly. "JSPCA," she says as way of explanation.

"Are you fuckin' serious? You too?" Tsuyu nods sadly. "Do you know how many fuckin' shelters and rescue centers those fuckers have shut down in the last six months?"

"No, but I can imagine. There used to be a rescue center down the street from here too. JSPCA got them awhile back," Tsuyu sighs.

"There's somethin' fuckin' shady goin' on at that place. We've been investigatin' their asses for months. All they do is shut shit down and suck up government funding. Fuckin' creeps. I bet they're pocketin' all of it."



"You said, 'we've been investigating.'"

"Oh. Yeah, I work at a non-profit. Yuuei. A legit animal protection agency, the JSPCA can't fuckin' relate."

"Wow. And here I thought you were just a mad scientist. Or an arsonist-at-large."

"Oh, I'll definitely be an arsonist once we get the dirt on those lousy fuckers. I'm blowing their shit up to smithereens."

Tsuyu laughs disbelievingly. "Of course."

Bakugou simmers. "'Of course,' my ass. I'm gonna do it. You wanna be there?"

"Sure. Come pick me up," Bakugou rolls his eyes in frustration. "Seriously, though," she adds. "I wouldn't mind watching JSPCA get what's coming to them." Tsuyu starts to feel a bit down again as she remembers the reality of her family's situation. "They're not the good guys they're painting themselves to be."

Bakugou watches her with an interesting expression on his face. Tsuyu can't quite pin the emotion behind the look. "When do they plan to close you guys?" His crimson eyes almost burn her with their intensity.

"Three weeks from Monday," Tsuyu replies. The blond looks as though he is calculating something. His face is pulled into a look of concentration. After a few moments he responds.



"Yeah, okay. We're gonna dead these motherfuckers in three weeks. Me and you. Then you won't have to close, right?"

"Yes, but how are we going to do that in three weeks?"

"How do you do anything? You just do it."

"You're oversimplifying it."

"You're overthinkin' it," he retorts. "What's your name?"

"Asui Tsuyu. You can call me Tsuyu."

"Look, Asui, we're partners in crime now. If I say we're gonna dead some motherfuckers in three weeks, then we're gonna dead some motherfuckers in three weeks. You got me?" The sincerity in his tone is true enough, but the intense look of dedication in his eyes sealed the deal for Tsuyu. This was obviously a guy who took pride in his word.

"I got you, Baku-chan. When do we start?"

Bakugou's cheeks bleed pink yet again. "What?"

"When do we—"

"No. What did you just call me?"

"Oh, 'Baku-chan?' It suits you, it's cute. You can give me a nickname too."

"Do not call me that, Asui."

"We're partners in crime now. If I say you're Baku-chan, you're Baku-chan. You got me?" Tsuyu tries to mimic Bakugou's demeanor but ends up falling all over herself in laughter.

Still flushed pink, Bakugou watches her crumple in her chair from laughter. "The only thing I got is that you're gonna drive me up a fuckin' wall with all your shit."

"I like you too, Baku-chan."

Bakugou storms out of the lobby with an adorably rose-colored face and Tsuyu has to stop herself from laughing before she splits her sides wide open.

Yuuei (Bakugo x Tsuyu)Where stories live. Discover now